Page 16 of Gary
“Oh Christ!” Swinging his legs off the bed, he went into the bathroom and turned on the light. He always slept naked, hating the restriction of clothing while in bed. Bracing his hands on the counter, he stared at his reflection critically and grimaced at the bloodshot eyes. He had been drinking steadily for two nights straight.
A visit to his old man had not helped because they had gone over the same song and dance. His father wanted a commitment.
“You have been here for a week now. What’s your plan?”
“You will be the first to know.”
“You are punishing me.”
“Make it all about you as usual, why don’t you?” Gary had snapped, taking out his frustrations on him. Meeting Sadie had put a crimp in his plans to leave and he was not certain what to do about it.
He had been hell bent on leaving as soon as the old man kicked the bucket, but now he was having second thoughts. He did not like being tethered. Not here.
He had left the house feeling more muddled and confused than he already was. And had gone to the corporate office where his uncle had been pleased to see him.
“We could assign an office to you, if taking your father’s, does not appeal to you.”
“I have not made up my mind yet and both you and dad pressuring me is not going to make me do so any sooner.”
“You are in a mood. Had a fight?”
He had wanted to tell his uncle that he had met a girl, and she had done a number on him. But he kept it to himself.
“Something like that.”
Now he was standing and staring at himself in the mirror. What did she see when she looked at him? His ink black hair was untidy and needed trimming. He was thirty-one. Did he look his age or had the years been kind to him?
He had started to live a life of debauchery even before he hit his sixteen birthday. In his household, he had been encouraged to whore and drink. That kind of behavior appealed to his father and his uncle George. Did it show?
Easing off the counter, he dragged his fingers through his hair and hissed out a breath. He had stayed away from her for two days and was suffering as a result. He had to see her. If the onlything he could do right now was look and hear her voice, then so be it. But he had to see her.
“You are not sleeping.” Sharon Ellicott stepped inside her daughter’s bedroom after a discreet knock on the partially opened door.
“I had to get some paperwork finished before turning in.” She smiled at the middle-aged woman who had a tray in her hand. “You spoil me.”
“You had a hard day, and I was not able to come and relieve you today.” She placed the tray on the side table and took a seat on the edge of the bed where her daughter was sitting Indian fashion in the middle with papers strewn all around her.
“I know that Thursday is your day to help at the library. How was it?” Putting away the bills, she reached for the cup of tea and took a sip.
“Hectic. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and there are several competitions being planned.” She gave her daughter an apologetic look. “I am afraid I will be going back for the rest of the week. Can you call Jolene to come in?”
Sadie shook her head, the motion sending her haphazard curls tumbling around her shoulders. “She has some courses to catch up on. I will be fine.”
“It’s Friday and it’s always so busy.”
“And I am coping,” she reassured her.
“I feel like I am abandoning you.”
“Nonsense.” Waving a dismissive hand, she reached for the plate of cookies and started nibbling. “I am fine.” She savored the strawberry cookie for a second, a contemplative expression on her face. “There is this guy.”
“Oh?” Immediately Sharon’s expression perked up. “What about him?”
Sadie laughed self-consciously and regretted mentioning him. “It might be nothing.”
“Doesn’t sound like nothing to me.”