Page 18 of Gary
Mentally shaking her head, she cocked a brow in invitation.
“I like you.”
“Oh.” To hide the trembling of her hands, she shoved them into the pockets of her close-fitting sweater dress, the one she had chosen so carefully with the intention of dazzling him if he happened to turn up. “And?”
“And I would like to take you out for coffee.” He grimaced and laughed when she did, realizing his blunder. “Obviously not for coffee. For dinner.”
“When?” She busied herself with the dust rag.
“I am sorry, is that too short a notice?”
She shook her head, “Where do you have in mind?”
He hesitated a second and wondered if she would think him too forward if he suggested his place and decided to go with it.
“I can cook.” Closing his eyes briefly, he shook his head. “Just so you know, I am usually very articulate.”
“I will take your word for it!” Her eyes danced.
“As I was saying, I would love to cook for you.” He lifted a hand. “I promise that you can trust me to stick with dinner and nothing else.”
She considered him for a second. “You are inviting me to your place.”
“If you don’t feel comfortable, we could go to a restaurant.”
“I am willing to trust you.”
He let out a breath. “Thanks. How about eight thirty? You get off at eight, right?”
“Yes. Eight thirty is fine.”
Plucking a card out of the holder, he scribbled the address and his phone number down.
Taking up another card, she scribbled her cell number on the back of it.
“Now that’s out of the way,” he continued after they exchanged cards. “How about hooking me up with the coffee to go and a pumpkin muffin. I have some shopping to do.” His white teeth flashed in a smile and had her knees going weak.
Sadie made the transaction and was about to say something when the bell tinkled.
“See you later.” He murmured, before stepping back from the counter and making his way out. The two women coming into the shop, stopped, and turned to watch him walk out and it took all of her will to warn them off. And to also ignore their longing sighs and comment about his long, lean body.
Pasting a smile on her lips, she greeted them and set about serving them.
Out in the parking lot, Gary placed the steaming cup of coffee inside the cup holder and just sat there. He had done it. He asked her out and she had not shut him down. She had agreed to have dinner with him at his place. It was a start, and he could hardly hear himself think over the loud pounding of his heart.
Perhaps he should have sprung for a more public place. How in the hell was he going to keep his hands off her? Picking up his cup, he took a swig of the brew, before putting it back. He would keep things casual, friendly.
He would wait for her to indicate that he should move faster. He was dying to kiss her, but he knew instinctively that kissing was never going to be enough. He wanted all of her. Wanted to feel the texture of her skin on his tongue.
Uttering an expletive, he closed his eyes and willed the monstrous erection away. When that did not work, he touched the start button and made his way from the parking lot. He would have to go shopping; he decided at the stop sign.
There was a market right here in the plaza, but for what he had in mind, he required something special. And it occurred to him as he moved forward that this was the first time he would be cooking for a woman.
Biting off a sigh, he called up music and allowed Puccini to calm his ragged nerves. He was falling in love for the first time in his life and he was frightened to death. He had a feeling this exquisite woman was going to change his life forever.