Page 35 of Gary
Gary nodded. “What do you say?”
“I will be earning money?”
Gary nodded again.
“How much?” The boy demanded, causing Gary to laugh and admire his temerity and common sense.
“We will work that out.” He turned to look at a small cottage that looked to need small repairs. “Why don’t we go and check it out and see if it’s somewhere you could crash for the time being. I was told there is still electricity and water.”
The boy’s eyes grew huge. “I can live there?”
“It’s empty.”
The boy stood rooted to the spot as if he could not believe what was happening.
“Are you just going to stand there?”
“What do you want?” His face was guarded and suspicious.
“For you to take a step towards the place. What do you think I want?”
“You aren’t queer are you?”
Gary’s brows shot up and he had to quell the urge to laugh.
“I assure you I am very straight,” he said solemnly.
Raymond eyed him up and down. “It’s just that you are wearing expensive threads and that watch probably cost several hundred dollars.”
If you are thinking of robbing me, I have to warn you that I am a street fighter and also an expert in martial arts,” he told the boy dryly.
“You also look like a frigging model,” Raymond continued as if he had not spoken.
“Now, that’s offensive.”
“And people can be up to some strange shit. I am not going to be anybody’s bitch.”
“I would not want you to be. Shall we?”
Raymond hesitated a tad more, before marching past him. With a grin splitting his face, Gary followed him towards the neglected building. The key was under the threadbare mat.
“Someone could be living in there.”
“There is a no trespassing sign at the fence.”
Raymond snorted. “As if that would make a difference.” They stepped into the surprisingly cozy front parlor. Even though the place had been empty for several years, it had a homey look to it. It had been home to the administrator and when she left, everything remained.
“We could get started on getting the place cleaned up.”
“I can really stay here?” The boy’s belligerent attitude had disappeared as he eagerly checked out the rooms. “There are two bedrooms and two baths, and the kitchen is big.”
“What do you think?”
“I can do the cleaning up.” His eyes were shining with excitement. “I can start on it now. There is a supply closet with brooms and stuff.”
“Why don’t I pop over to the store and buy some cleaning supplies and maybe order pizza.”
Raymond’s eyes went huge. “And soda.”