Page 46 of Gary
“You started it.” He pointed out, shoving a thick coil of hair off her forehead.
“And I am ending it.”
“Spoilsport.” He grinned. “Shall I rate yours?”
“I am sure you would want to spare me the fact that I am vastly inexperienced,” she said ruefully.
“Are you?”
“And you’re not.”
“I would say we are well matched.”
“Are we?”
“Hmm.” He tugged at a coil of her hair and watched in fascination as it bounced back as soon as he let go of it. He stifled a groan when her eyes flew to his.
“I told you we are far from finished.” He whispered as he draped her on top of him “We are just beginning.” Lifting his head, he took a nipple into his mouth and started suckling.
He watched her sleep. He had exhausted them both, behaved like a kid let loose inside a candy store. He had taken and received and was not satisfied. But he had seen her eyelids drooping after their last round and had reluctantly curved her against him, with her head on his shoulder and let her sleep.
Three times! He laughed silently as he stared at her. After the second time, he had used his mouth and hands to wring cries of ecstasy from her, that had fueled his own raging passion.
He hadn’t used any protection and never intended to in the first place. If she had mentioned it to him, he would have said a firm no. He wanted them to be skin to skin and he had been right.
A rubber would have taken a slice of the sensation. She would be sore. He felt a glimmer of guilt for that. He had fed off her breast like a starving baby in need of sustenance. He had also left teeth marks on her stomach and neck.
But then, she had left her marks on his as well. He hoped they would take a long time to fade. He could still feel the twinge on his left shoulder where she had bit into his skin as the climax overtook her.
She had this catchy thing she did with her voice when she was on the verge, designed to drive him over the edge.
And he was in love with her. He sighed softly, careful not to do anything to wake her. His thoughts were rioting. He had lied to her by omission. She did not know who he really was, and he was going to have to tell her.
What she did with that information…! He closed his eyes briefly, expression bleak. What would she do with that information? He wondered. He was Gary Moretti, son and heir to a company tainted by what they did in the past.
Would she condemn him? Believe that he had nothing to do with it? Or would she run away from him? She thought he was just a regular guy, and he had been thankful that he had not been featured much in the press.
His mother had insisted on shielding him, determined that he led as normal a life as possible. And she had been afraid someone would use him to get to the family.
Lifting his head, he stared off into the fireplace, where the flames had simmered into smoldering logs. He would tell her – but he was in no hurry. He would wait until she was in love with him. Was she already? He hoped so. He wanted her in his life and was prepared to do anything to see it happen. Absolutely anything.
Her eyes flickered open slowly and it took a few seconds for her to acclimatize and realize where she was. The room was too large, it would fit her bedroom into one corner and there was a man… Her eyes flew all the way open to connect with smoldering gray eyes and arms wrapped possessively around her.
“You, all right?” His thick brows lifted enquiringly.
“Yes.” She avoided his eyes by staring at his very impressive chest, which was a mistake. She could also feel his… Oh God! Her eyes flew to his face as it became obvious what was nudging at her thighs.
“I have been waiting for you to wake up.” His smile was slow and sensual and sent a slow burn to the pit of her stomach. The man was dangerously lethal. His hair was tousled, and sleep softened his face and made him more handsome.
And desire was pouring through her like lava. Waking up with a man – especially a man like him had to be the best thing to ever happen to a girl and she was very happy it was happening to her.
“Let me guess,” her voice sounded breathy. “You want me to cook you breakfast.”