Page 52 of Gary
“Hey.” Gary sat on the hood and waited for the boy to join him.
“I didn’t expect you to swing by.”
Gary could not believe the difference from the sullen and dirty kid he had met a few days ago. This one was clean and smelled of cologne and his wheat blonde hair was brushed back from his face.
“Some guy came by. I was about to call you.”
“What guy?”
“Said he was a friend of yours and was asking a lot of questions.”
Gary felt his spine stiffening. “What questions? What’s his name?”
Raymond screwed his face in concentration. “He was big and kind of bulky. Said his name was Maurice Got – something. He wanted to know what I was doing here and what the plans were for the place.”
“What did you tell him?”
Raymond gave him an inquisitive look. “I told him to take a hike, that if he was a friend as he said, he would know what’s going on. He gave me this mean look and left.” The boy hesitated. “If he is a friend of yours, I have to say that you need better friends. He looked positively mean.”
“He is not a friend.” Gary told him grimly. “And I want you to call me if he happens to come around again.” He glanced around. “They will be commencing work in a couple of days, but in the meantime, I am going to get someone here to put an alarm on the building where you are.”
Raymond nodded. “I was right. He is mean.”
“Yes. Don’t talk to him again, just call me. How are things?”
Raymond eyed him for a second before responding. “Good. I am just about to have breakfast. I made pancakes and scrambled eggs. Want to join me?”
He was about to tell the boy that he was not a breakfast person but decided against it. He was here alone for most of the time and probably needed the company. “Lead me to it.”
“Now that the store is empty- “Sharon patted the space next to her on the sofa. “Why don’t you bring your mother a cup of piping hot chocolate and tell me all about your adventure.”
Sadie sent her an amused look before turning away to make the beverage. He had called to say he was having breakfast with Raymond and would probably be spending most of the day at the building.
“I have some meetings to attend as well. Dare I hope we get to repeat last night’s activities? Why don’t you bring a change of clothing, so you don’t have to rush back home to change?”
“Two nights in a row? Won’t you get tired of me?”
“Not a chance. Well? What about it?”
She had told him yes. The doubts she had been faced with were still there, but she was dying to be with him.
Bringing a tray of biscuits and the beverage, she placed it on the table in front of the sofa.
“Adventure?” Picking up her cup, she blew on the liquid to cool it.
“I could not find a better word.” Her mother told her with a smile. “How was it?”
“Are you asking me what I think you are asking?”
Sharon only gave her a mild look before picking up her cup. The store was quiet, most of the crowd rushing in the morning and afternoon. Sadie had finished her paperwork and restocked shelves as well as put out a new menu.
“Mom, I am not going to discuss my sex life with you. That is weird.”
Sharon laughed. “The fact that you have a sex life is cause for celebration. You spent the night.”