Page 57 of Gary
He would never want to trap her, but as the last of his seed flooded her, he found himself praying that something would come of it. If she was pregnant, surely, she would have no other choice but to stay with him. Hating himself for how desperate that sounded, he collapsed on top of her, his body weakened.
It took him several minutes to shift his weight so that he would not crush her and even then, he gathered her against him and cradled her head on his chest.
Neither of them spoke for several minutes as they tried to get their bearings back.
The fire simmered in the hearth and the sounds of their breathing evening out were no longer vying with the sound of the burning logs. She was wrapped around his body, her eyes drifting closed. The scent of his expensive cologne combined with his sweat made her feel safe and warm.
His body against hers was right, she had no other way of putting it. They fit together. He said he loved her, and she had a feeling that she loved him too. Right now, she was asking herself why would she deny him, why should not say it back to him as well? What was the point of delaying it?
Lifting her head from his chest, she gazed at him, her heart contracting as she took in the tousled ink black hair and the sensuous mouth that had maddened her just moments ago.
“You, okay?” He asked her quietly in that distinctive deep voice of his.
“I am still wondering why you are still single,” she murmured.
A smile touched his sensuous lips. “Dare I say it’s because I never met you yet?”
She rolled her eyes at him and made him laugh.
“How many women have there been?”
His thick brows lifted. “You want a number?”
“Can you come up with one?”
“More than enough.”
“That’s not a number.”
“That’s the only answer you’re going to get.” His fingers were strumming her back slowly as he continued to stare at her. “Is there a point to that line of questioning?”
“I want to know what I am up against.”
“You have nothing to worry about. You happen to be the first woman I have ever said ‘I love you’…”
Taking a deep breath, she dropped her eyes to his chest where the hairs were damp and clinging to his flesh. Using the tip of her index fingers, she charted a pattern, concentrating as if it was of the utmost importance.
Lifting her eyes to a face that had become near and dear to her, she told him.
“I love you, too.”
The declaration, he had not expected to hear, threw him and for a few seconds he was speechless and alternately despaired. He would have been doing handsprings if circumstances were better. He would be planning a wedding and at the same time calling up a realtor to find a home. But it was not that simple, and he felt like dying.
“Gary?” She was looking at him with a frown and he realized he had not responded.
“What took you so long?” Tamping down the despair and hopelessness, he cupped her face. “Or was it your intention to torture me?”
“Nothing like that. It still is terrifying and amazing to me that we found each other.”
“I believe I was the one who did the finding.” He lifted his head and brushed his lips on hers. “Loving someone means accepting them for who they are.”
“It does,” she nodded.
He opened his mouth to say something else but thought better of it. She just declared her love for him, but he wanted tonight to be special.
He had a sinking feeling that his happiness was about to come to an end. If that was the case, he would make tonight special. He was going to cement their love and celebrate it by making love to her until they were both wrung out from exhaustion.
Pulling her on top of him, he bent his head to nuzzle her breast. “I want more.”