Page 67 of Gary
Gary felt when her fingers dug into his arm and knew that she was reacting to Maurice’s evil vibes. The man emanated it from every pore. “You should take advantage of the food being offered.”
“I think I will. Catch you later, friend.” His emphasis on the last word could not be mistaken.
“He’s not a friend, is he?” She asked him quietly, as they both turned to look at the man sauntering towards the table.
“No.” Gary had to make a conscious effort to control his impulse to simply drag the man out by his collar. But he could not afford to make a scene. He also had the distinct feeling that any move on his part would trigger Maurice’s need to spill what he knew. And he could not afford that.
“I could ask him to leave.”
Tearing his eyes away from his enemy, he gazed at her, his expression softening. “Look at you wanting to fight my battle.”
She poked her tongue out and that made him want to crush her in his arms.
“I am pretty sure you can manage on your own. You are not eating.”
“I have been handed so much food, that I am afraid I am fairly bursting.”
“The ladies have a crush on you. I have been behind that counter, giving all of them the evil eye.”
He laughed at that, and this time didn’t resist the urge to pull her in for a kiss. Tearing his mouth from hers, he held her to him. “When will this be finished?”
“Another hour.” She grinned at his pained look. “I will make it up to you.”
“I am counting on it.”
“I have to go.”
“All right.” He let her go reluctantly and tensed when Maurice stepped in her path and touched her lightly on the arm.
Before he could do anything, she shrugged his hand off and walked away.
He was just moving towards the food table when the man sidled up to him. “She doesn’t know who you really are, does she? I wonder what she would say if she did?” He grinned his malevolent smile. “It would be interesting to find out.”
Chapter 14
He spent the night at her place, when her mother decided she would be staying over at the friend’s house.
“Somehow, I pictured your bedroom like this.” He commented after they had worked off the very delicious and heavy Thanksgiving dinner, right in the living room where she had served brandy liqueur and pumpkin pie. He had scooped her into his arms and headed unerringly towards the lime green door that led to her room.
“Why?” She was stretched out on top of him, her slender curves flushed against his.
“You like green and antiques, “He nodded to the quaint armoire with its brass drawers and the oak dresser. Her bed was a queen sized one with ancient looking iron headboards. Green and white drapes were on the double windows. And there was a curved loveseat in front of the bed.
“I do. I found the bed in an estate sale a few miles away. Mom and I love to go to yard sales.” She propped her chin on her folded hands and stared at him dreamily. It did not matter that his chest hairs were still damp from their rather energetic bout of lovemaking in the living room.
She felt wonderful just laying on top of him. “The vase right there on the table,’ she nodded towards it. “I paid three dollars, and had it appraised, because I suspected it was worth a lot. And it is.” Her eyes danced with excitement. “It’s worth several thousand dollars.”
He examined the piece with a doubtful expression on his face. “Really?”
“Um-hmm. I was going to sell it but decided to keep it. I like looking at it.”
“It looks old.”
“Which is kind of the point.” Leaning up, she kissed him on the lips. “Tell me about that weird looking dude.”
“What weird looking dude?” He could still taste her on his tongue.
“That one who came into the shop, the one you were not pleased to see.”