Page 31 of End It All
"Move," I said.
"È un idiota. Cesare lo vuole fuori di qui," the one in front of me said.
"Non ha detto che non possiamo ucciderlo."
The one in front of me shook his head. "No, ordini del capo. Non facciamo nulla che attiri gli sguardi."
Neither of them knew I spoke Italian. Apparently this “nothing” wasn't even worth looking into. That was going to be their mistake.
"Move." The one with a broken nose shoved me forward.
I kept my mouth shut, listening to them as they communicated in Italian. Instead of leading me to the front exit, we headed toward the back doors.
"Non c'è da preoccuparsi se ci occupiamo di lui sul retro."
The moment the cold New York air hit me, I dropped down, pulled out a knife and slammed it down into one of the guy’s foot. He let out a shout while I twisted around, slipping my fingers into the brass knuckles. It was like putting on a glove; it fit perfectly. I swung before either of them knew what was happening.
"Voi due non potreste uccidermi nemmeno se fossi legato e strafatto di acido. Questo niente vi mostrerà come si fa."
Their eyes widened at my Italian.
A blow came from both sides. I took the one from the back, grunting as I used some of the blows momentum to take down the big fuck in front of me. He tripped back, his foot still sporting my blade in it. He crashed down and I rolled with him, ramming my knee up and knocking the wind out of him. His face went red as he gasped for air. I snatched the knife out of his flesh, having to use more strength than I'd like. I slammed my brass knuckles into his face, giving him the same broken nose as his friend. Hot sprays of blood hit my cheek.
The other one wasn't going to be left out; he tackled me, dragging a grunt out of my lips. I jerked my elbow back connecting with his throat. He gagged and coughed as he fell to the side, clutching at his neck. I rearranged his face, drawing my fist back again and again. Even as the blood soaked into my sleeves, I kept punching him. His lip was split, a few teethmissing and his nose broken beyond repair. If anything, it was an improvement.
I wiped blood off my cheek and turned to see Blake standing there.
"What the fuck?"
"Did you know you were being watched the whole time in there?” I glanced over at the door and then back at Blake. “You still are."
"What?" Blake looked to the bodies on the ground and then at me. "What?"
I walked toward him. Every step I took forward, he took back until his back crashed into the wall. I dropped my arms over his head and crowded into his space. Even the cologne that covered him was off, nothing like the mango shampoo that he wore from my bathroom.
"Three days with daddy dearest didn't teach you to always pay attention to the eyes on you?"
Blake's blue eyes moved chaotically around before settling on my hair. "It's pink."
"Yeah, you finally noticed. It looks good on me, doesn't it, baby girl?"
He rolled his eyes. "You look crazier." He reached up, and I stopped his hand from touching me.
"You don't want blood on you. Your pops might think you like playing with corpses."
"They're dead?" His face drained of all color.
"No. I'd love to end them, but unfortunately, I don't have the backing to do so. I slip up and I get fed to the wolves." I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look away from the idiots on the ground. "They're just lacking a little blood, nothing they couldn't spare."
Panic was written all over Blake's face. A part of me felt like he needed it, to see the real world he was so casually walking into. This wasn't shit. A fight and a little bloodshed was thelighter side of things. Wait until he had to hold a man's life in his hands.
I slapped his cheeks, and still no reaction. Blake's breathing was erratic and he was slipping down the wall.
"Fuck. Hey, Blake." I snapped my fingers in his face, waiting for any kind of reaction. There was a far-off, distant look in his blue eyes that I’d seen too many times.
Pain snapped a lot of people out of shock, but with Blake, it wasn't even registering. I pulled him up and smashed our mouths together. I slipped my tongue between his parted lips and coaxed his out. I flicked the ball in the middle of his tongue a few times playing with the piercing until I got a reaction. Blake's tongue twisted with mine and what was a one sided kiss quickly turned into a full-blown make out. He tasted good, but what blew my mind was the way he deepened the kiss further. Electricity danced over my lips and went straight to my cock as Blake sucked on my tongue and drew me in closer. My mind melted as I forgot why I kissed him, and pressed against Blake, opening up for more.
My mind was foggy as I tilted my head slightly to the right. Blake’s groan was muffled against my lips as he kissed me harder. My hips moved on their own as I ground my cock against his body. I bent my knees slightly, lining our clothed cocks together. One movement, and I had Blake biting my tongue and moving with me.