Page 50 of End It All
"No, I'm being smart. I'm getting the fuck out of this place."
"That's clear. I just don't understand why. Is it because I cleaned up?"
"What?" I twisted around and stared at Blake. "No, that's a stupid reason. I can always clutter the place back up."
"Then why?" he stressed.
I shook my head and snatched up the last bag. I was faced with the couch again. I really hadn't seen the ugly thing in months. But there was an attachment to it that I couldn't quite put into words. Disgust warred with nostalgia as I stared at the thing. I needed to walk away, but wanting to keep something familiar and comforting kept me stuck.
"If we're moving, then the couch doesn't need to go, right?" Blake asked.
Yes. No.I blew out a breath. "No, not enough time or space."
After six hoursof driving around and checking out various apartments, I found just the place. No one ever said no to cash in hand. My name went nowhere near the lease and they mentioned to no one I was there.
I opened the new place and my shoulder blades instantly tightened. It was empty and clean. The neighborhood wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst I'd come from either.
"Wow." Blake stepped in behind me.
"We're still down to a one bedroom."
He shrugged. "At this point, I'm used to you sleeping with your dick out."
I rolled my eyes and checked out the bedroom. It was slightly bigger than the last place I had. The shower actually looked like it could fit two people instead of the small square in my last place. The closet left much to be desired but it was good enough.
"Let's get our shit moved in and I'll call for pizza. Any specifics?"
"Not picky."
I sent in the order to my usual guy and he let me know he'd meet me a block away from my new place. I didn't take manychances. I'd see if Daiki learned my new address before letting anyone deliver.
"What about a bed?" Blake asked, carrying bags up the three flights of stairs.
"I'll see about getting the princess a mattress later this week." It was going to be tight, but I'd find a deal.
Blake flipped me off before heading in. I went to grab the rest from the car. The entire time we’d driven around, I made sure no one followed, taking random turns and checking every few minutes. I scanned the street searching for anyone looking a little too closely.
"It's about time for your pain pills again," Blake reminded me as he grabbed more bags.
There was a definite ache throbbing over my entire body. "Yeah." Satisfied that no one was watching us, I grabbed the last of the bags and locked the car up. We headed in, my stomach growling with every step. I couldn't wait for the pizza to be ready. The moment we stepped into the apartment, I dropped down with exhaustion. Pain made moving around ten times harder. I wanted to break and fall asleep, but hunger was making that impossible.
I felt his gaze on me, and I forced my eyes open only to find Blake watching me.
"I'm fine."
"You sure as fuck don't look fine. Did any of your stitches open?" he asked.
"Nope." I showed him my arms and hands. They were hot and raw, but still sealed. "Why don't you busy yourself instead of watching me."
"With what?" Blake had his arms out wide indicating the empty apartment.
Right, there’s nothing here.I grunted.
"Pain meds?"
"Weed," I answered.
Blake didn't argue with me as he brought me a joint.