Page 56 of End It All
"Gin, stop trying to intimidate our little brother,” Benito said.
"So, he really is the old man’s?" Gin asked.
The other twin, Paolo, plopped down in the seat next to me and offered his hand. He seemed more calm and levelheaded than Gin. I took the offer and gave him a firm shake before looking back at Benito.
"Man, can’t believe we didn’t know there was another one of us all this time,” Paolo mused.
I shrugged. "I didn’t know I had brothers at all." Now having them felt weird; especially being in a room with all of them. Enzo was over at the bookshelf. He was staring a bit too hard for my liking. I knew I put everything how I'd found it, but I was human and mistakes could happen.
"Don't worry about Enzo, he will come around. We all have our hang-ups. You understand, right?" Paolo asked.
Not really. I hadn't had anyone in my life except my mother and the fuzzy memories of my father. Going from a family of two to whatever the fuck this was? It was life altering.
"We just accepting any strays now?" Gin asked. If it wasn’t for the smile on his face and the lighthearted way he was speaking, I would have thought he was serious.
"He's not a stray, he's family, and unless he proves himself to be an enemy he will be treated as such." Benito cleared some of the papers to the side and rested his tattooed fingers on his desk. "There was a DNA test just in case. He is ninety-nine percent our brother."
"That's not how DNA tests work. He is ninety-nine point nine percent Cesare's biological son," Enzo said matter-of-factly.
I didn't give a fuck about that. What I was confused about was the damn DNA test. When in the hell had it happened?
"You tested my DNA? How did you get a sample?"
"Don't worry about it," Benito said.
"We snuck in and took some of your ballsack hair," Gin blurted out.
Paolo snorted a laugh and turned away as I sat up straighter. There was no way in hell that happened. "Quincy would have woken up."
Gin laughed. "You sent him with Harlow's friend?"
"You three were occupied," Benito said.
"You sleep in the same bed?" Paolo asked.
I relaxed in my chair. I had no idea why his question made my stomach knot. "Thereisonly one bed."
"What kind of romance novel shit is happening over there?" Gin laughed. "Hey, I heard he's got a big dick."
"Where the fuck did you hear that?" Benito asked. He waved his hand. "Wait, I don't want to know."
I did.
Enzo sighed. "The workers at Silver Dreams. He's loved there," Enzo said.
He is?I had so many questions, mainly for Quincy.
Gin plopped his ass down on the corner of Benito's desk and faced me. Our oldest brother's brows dipped and he glared at Gin as if he wanted to murder him.
"So does he?" Gin asked.
I stared. "Why does it matter?"
His smirk was annoying, and if I thought I could take him, I'd punch him.
"Wouldn't do that," Paolo warned. He looked too relaxed. "We won't break it up for the first five minutes but that means you have to make sure not to die in that time as well."