Page 7 of End It All
More crackling over the line grabbed my attention once more. "No can do, I’m doing work for?—"
"Quincy." The way Harlow called out my name sent unease down my spine. There were a handful of times Harlow ever reached out to me once we became adults. He was the kind of man to take on everything himself instead of leaning on those who were there for him.
I leaned on the shovel, closing my eyes for a brief second. My orders were to make them pay. That normally meant copiousamounts of pain. I had a whole thing planned out. A little buried alive action, watch them claw their way out, even pretend to help. Then do it all over again until they gave up and either suffocated or begged for death. Even so, I knew what I was going to do before the thought fully settled in my head.
"On my way." I hung the phone up and sent the same words in a text before putting my knife away along with the brass knuckles.
Both brother's faces lit up. They were certain they'd just gotten off with what they'd done. Fortunately for them, I had other places to be. I pulled out my gun and without hesitation pulled the trigger twice placing a single bullet in each of their heads. There wasn’t time for their screams or fear to truly strike their hearts. All that was left in the air was the echo of the bullet leaving the chamber and the smell of wet earth.
Shovel in hand, I made quick work of burying them. I was needed elsewhere.
The hole filled fasterthan I thought but it was closer to midnight by the time I made it to Harlow and Benito's place. Freshly showered, I headed right over to the elevator and rode it up. I leaned back, relaxing and checking my phone, although I knew Harlow hadn't texted me back yet. Whatever it was, I just hoped it wasn't another war. As much fun as I had, it only had law enforcement trying to crack down even harder on organized crime.
A soft ding resonated around me as the elevator doors opened into a luxury hallway. I headed for the single door on the top floor and nodded at Tony the moment our eyes met.
"Were you waiting on me?" I winked at Benito’s personal bodyguard. “Let me guess, they asked for you to join in and you got some performance anxiety.”
Tony flipped me off. “They wouldn’t call you to replace me. A dead fish would do better.”
I laughed. Tony and I had an understanding. He was Benito’s right-hand, I used to be Harlow’s. “How bad is it? Please tell me I'm not walking into something?”
Tony grunted, reaching for the door. "It’s not them naked again, so there’s that. I’ve only been wanting to go home for the past few hours. Caleb is probably asleep by now."
“You’re still with the sexy biker?” My head tilted to the side as I thought about the guy. “He did a race recently, he’s badass?—”
The look that came over Tony’s face had me raising my hands.
“Calm down, I have no interest in you or your biker. It's a friendly conversation.”
“Stay away from what’s mine,” Tony said flatly.
I often forgot how insane everyone was about their significant other. Much like his employer, he’d kill for what he considered his. At least he had someone to go home to. "My bad. Why don’t you get out of here? Go tap that."
"A little too late for that." Tony opened the door, and instead of going in, Harlow came out.
"Tony," Benito called only a few steps behind his husband.
"I'll keep an eye on him,” Tony said.
Before I could ask anything, Benito closed the door behind him, leaving the three of us in the hallway. As if they couldn't stand any distance from each other, they moved closer together until not even a sliver of air could pass between them. Benito's arm wrapped around Harlow's waist.
"We had a little incident come up today," Benito said.
The small nick on his throat said it might have been a bit more than little, but I kept my mouth shut for now. I was too intent on listening to whatever they had to say.
"My youngest brother showed up," Benito said.
"No, some unknown. Cesare can't wrap it up apparently," Harlow added.
Benito rolled his eyes. "Don't start. I heard enough cum jokes from Gin to last me a lifetime." He pinched the bridge of his nose as if to ease the tension.
"Damn, sounds like I missed a good time."