Page 24 of Christmas Shelter
As soon as Carlota locks herself in the bathroom, she grabs the suitcases and runs out of the inn. She regrets not being more creative and thinking of an excuse that didn't involve dragging suitcases, but at least she managed to leave the inn without Carlota, exactly what she wanted. She runs quickly to the car, leaves the suitcases, and from thereruns to the Christmas market to return to the room fifteen minutes later, flushed and breathless.
"You took a while," Carlota says, who has just gotten out of the shower.
"I got distracted looking at shop windows," Patricia lies, trying to breathe slowly.
When they go down to reception, they say goodbye to Yolanda and Sonia with their promise to visit them in Salamanca next time. Patricia and Carlota head to the car and, when they get in, Patricia turns to the back seat and grabs the bag with the gift she bought a few minutes ago.
"Here," she says, handing it to Carlota.
"What's this?" she asks, though she can't hide the excitement in her eyes.
"Look inside and you'll know, I couldn't find wrapping paper," she says with an innocent expression.
When Carlota opens the bag, Patricia can't believe that something as simple as a puzzle could make her so happy. They saw it when they were walking through a market on the first day right after lunch, but the store was closed at that time and they couldn't go in. To Patricia, it seemed like any other puzzle, but Carlota was fascinated that it was an advent calendar made up of twenty-four small boxes to assemble a part of the puzzle each day.
"I can't believe you bought it for me, thank you so much," Carlota says, hugging Patricia so tightly that the cardiologist thinks she would do anything to see her this happy always.
Chapter 17
Several days have passed since Patricia Burnet and Carlota Morán returned from Gibraltar, from that express getaway that not only allowed them to visit the most beautiful street markets they had ever seen but also to get to know each other in a different way. They haven't been able to see each other since they arrived in Salamanca because both have been swamped with work, and between one thing and another, they haven't met up, although they do talk on the phone daily. Patricia is adapting to her new routine with Coco, waking up earlier than she used to take him for walks, and on days when she knows her workday will be longer than usual, she usually takes him to Aida's house, who seems delighted by the animal's company.
"Have a great New Year's Eve!" Patricia bids farewell to her coworkers at the clinic where she works in the afternoons.
It's Monday, December thirtieth, and the next day she works a few hours in the morning, only attending the clinics if there's any cardiac emergency, but otherwise,she's free to relax and enjoy the last days of the holiday season.
She gets in her car and drives carefully, the streets packed with people who, as always, are out doing their last-minute shopping. That afternoon, Patricia feels nervous and wants to get to her ex-girlfriend's house as soon as possible to vent and ask for help.
"It's freezing cold," Patricia says, bundled up in her coat when Aida opens her door.
"Last year was worse," Aida replies and lets her in, "this year it's fine."
Patricia shakes her head; her ex-girlfriend has always had a strange relationship with weather. She loves heat and hates cold, but she tolerates it better than anyone, in fact, she usually walks around the house in light clothing, even without the heating on.
"Did you get another tattoo?" Patricia asks, moving closer to examine her.
Aida smiles like a mischievous child.
"I went for a touch-up and took the chance to get this flower," she points to her right shoulder. "I've promised myself not to visit Anton's studio anymore this year."
Patricia raises an eyebrow; she's heard that same promise for years. Her ex-girlfriend is addicted to ink, she remembers that when they started dating, she already had a couple of small tattoos, and then they met Anton, a guy who opened a studio downtown, and from that moment on, the girl became a regular. Aida, with very fair skin, has always had a body anyone would envy, genetics havefavored her, and with just a couple of boxing workouts a week, she maintains a stunning figure.
Coco appears sliding across the living room floor when he hears his owner's voice and approaches the vet, wagging his tail vigorously.
"Have you been good?" Patricia asks the dog, "of course you have, because you're such a good boy."
"He is," Aida confirms.
Patricia smiles with satisfaction.
"Next week I probably won't bring him every day," Patricia explains as she walks to the couch, "I only have three scheduled surgeries, and Coco won't have to spend so many hours without me."
Aida pouts and looks at Coco with puppy eyes.
"But you'll still have to be at the clinic in the afternoons," Aida says, and Patricia narrows her eyes.
"Hey, get your own dog," says the vet, knowing that Aida and Coco have formed a beautiful friendship bond.
"Now that I'm calmer and working from home, it wouldn't be a bad idea to visit the shelter. I've realized I spend too many hours alone sitting in that chair, and since you've been bringing Coco, I get up more, go outside, and clear my head," Aida says, and Patricia notices a hint of sadness.