Page 34 of Hotel Mallois
"We have a foundation," Katherine says, swirling the wine in her glass, "actually, as a business group, we have several," she clarifies at Jodie's puzzled look.
"I see," says the housekeeper without understanding why she's bringing up this topic, Katherine smiles.
"As I was saying," she insists, piercing her with that blue gaze, "we have several foundations, but I want to tell you about one in particular, because it collaborates with various institutions for elderly care, like your mother's."
"I see," Jodie repeats.
"No, honey," Katherine smiles, "I don't think you do. What I'm getting at is that thanks to this, I have many contacts and it would take just one phone call to get a place for your mother in one of the best facilities, not where she is now. Don't misunderstand me, Jodie, I'm not saying they don't do their job and try their best within their possibilities, but your mother could be much better cared for than she is there, and of course, attended to twenty-four hours a day."
Jodie nods and makes a face.
"I appreciate it, but I can't afford it, I don't even know how I'll manage to increase the fee at this one. You'll have to let me work more hours at the hotel."
Katherine twists her expression, annoyed.
"You're not going to work more hours, Jodie, not at the hotel or anywhere else, I won't allow that."
Jodie tenses, nobody is going to forbid her anything, no matter how much she likes them and makes her sigh.
"I explained myself poorly," Katherine rectifies when she sees her expression change. "I'm just saying that in mentioning this, I didn't mean for you to pay anything, I'll do it, I'll pay for your mother's facility, and before you protest and curse," she says and points at her.
Jodie stays still, deciding whether to yell at her or laugh.
"I know all the financial problems you have and I've never intervened, nor will I unless you ask me to. Don't consider this as something I'm doing as a favor to you, it's something I want you to let me do for myself."
"For yourself? I don't understand."
"My mother died suddenly, Jodie, without me having the chance to do anything for her, to feel like I'd tried everything. I couldn't help her, and I can't do anything about your mother's illness, but I can improve her conditions, let me do that."
Jodie looks at her, thoughtful.
"There are things I don't have, Jodie, like patience, but money isn't a problem. Let me invest it in something important. One phone call, honey, I pick up the phoneand tomorrow your mother could be in an apartment-style facility with so many comforts and assistance that you'll want to move in with her, though I won't allow that."
Jodie can't contain her laugh at that comment and nods.
"Alright, make that call."
"That's my girl," Katherine nods, twisting her smile while taking out her phone.
Chapter 19
Jodie Sinclair groans when she checks her task sheet and notices, with disgust, that she has an impossible workload for a single person once again. This time it's sixteen rooms, and she knows she won't finish her shift at the usual time. Today, Jodie feels irritable; she spent the night at her place and barely slept. She struggled to fall asleep because she missed Katherine Taylor's warm body next to her. This morning, she spilled coffee on herself, and at the station, the subway left right in front of her face. Now she arrives at the hotel and finds such a heavy workload, debating whether to confront Marjorie or skip wasting time and grab her cart to start the room tour. She opts for the latter and in less than ten minutes is changing the first set of sheets.
"Want to have lunch together?" Sarah asks, running into her colleague in one of the hallways.
Jodie shakes her head while grabbing a tower of towels from her cart.
"No time today, I still have half the work left and look at the time," she explains with an angry expression, "I'll be late to the penthouse."
Sarah presses her lips together. She was the first to advise Jodie to be patient, but now she thinks the head of housekeeping is going too far.
"It's time to complain, Jodie," the other cleaner says, standing in front of her. "It's fine that you want to keep your job, but this is too much."
"I know, but..." Jodie runs her hand over her face and sighs. "I don't want it to look like I'm taking advantage now that I'm dating Katherine."
Sarah frowns and turns her neck to check they're alone.
"Before you started dating Ms. Taylor, Marjorie already had it in for you, but now it seems that fact has increased her annoyance," she says in a low voice. "It's not taking advantage, it's standing up for your rights."