Page 36 of Hotel Mallois
"I wanted to settle some issues with you," the hotel owner says and crosses her leg elegantly.
"Yes, of course. Please tell me how I can be useful," Marjorie responds, meekly.
"That would be interesting, it seems it's been a long time since you have been," Katherine replies, leaving Marjorie open-mouthed. "I've received many complaints about you, and I'm not willing to continue tolerating your attitude."
Something in Marjorie's brain activates, and she understands something is about to happen. Whether by pure instinct or not, she plays her riskiest card, willing to do anything to keep her job.
"If you're referring to that girl... Your friend," her voice achieves an ironic tone, "it's clear she's taking advantage of her position, and as you've repeated on several occasions, we're all equal here. She shouldn't have privileges."
Katherine raises her eyebrows to the sky. She can't believe this woman's nerve.
"Jodie Sinclair is the name of that girl you're referring to. It's not that she can't have privileges, it's that you've had your foot on her neck since she arrived at this hotel, and besides her, you also pick on other employees without anyreason. That's not the hotel's policy, and since you insist on not following it, you're no longer welcome here."
Marjorie's heart races because her boss is clearly firing her with subtle words, but she won't accept this; what she knows carries weight, or so she thinks.
"And where's that policy and ethics when the hotel owner herself sleeps with one of her employees?" the woman shoots back.
Katherine smiles widely and moves dangerously close to Marjorie. The desk separates them, but that doesn't prevent Jodie Sinclair's supervisor from feeling afraid.
"It's low of you to point that out, but since I assumed you would, I'll clarify it for you. Who I fuck is my problem, not yours," Katherine throws out with crude words and shrugs. "The only thing that should worry you is finding a place that will give you work starting today."
Marjorie turns pale, knowing that at her age it's difficult to get a stable position, especially like the one she had at the Mallois Hotel, where the schedule and pay were excellent, and her position gave her certain power.
"I've been letting many things slide for a while because, honestly, I have no complaints about the service you lead, but you work with people, Marjorie, and in my hotel, there's something called respect and humanity. It's not because you harass Jodie, it's because it seems you've also made it your goal to overwork your staff so much that the girls end up so exhausted they prefer not to continue working here."
"That's not true," Marjorie stands from her chair.
Katherine raises her hand to let her speak.
"It is, and you know it. In the last six months, more cleaners have left than in all the time the hotel has been open. My people have investigated and confirmed they left because of you," Katherine half-lies. Mike has gathered some information, but it was so vague that she wanted to give Marjorie a chance until she insisted on messing with Jodie. "I wish you luck, but I want you out of my hotel. Lamir Kumar will handle your severance and everything related to your dismissal."
Marjorie stands petrified as she watches Katherine Taylor rise from the chair and leave what until today is her office. The Mallois Hotel owner knows she's done the right thing; no one mistreats her staff in her hotel, but above all, she'll never allow anyone to hurt the girl she's falling in love with.
Chapter 20
One week later
"I need to fix that damn heating," Jodie grumbles when Katherine, who has just gotten up, zips up the hoodie Jodie lent her all the way to her neck before burying her hands in the pockets.
The Mallois owner moves dangerously close and kisses her neck. They had dinner near Jodie's house last night and stayed over, and while they didn't notice the low temperature between the sheets, the cold hits hard when they get up.
"I can help you with that," Katherine purrs.
"No," Jodie roars like a lioness, and Katherine steps back smiling, raising her hands in surrender. "You're doing enough for my mother."
"We've already discussed this, Jodie."
"I said no," she insists, pointing a threatening finger at her.
Katherine nods and heads to the kitchen to make coffee. She had already made it clear in anotherconversation that she could help if asked, and she won't pressure her.
"What are you doing today? Do you need me for anything this morning?" Jodie asks, following her to prepare breakfast.
"Not this morning. All I have pending is paperwork and then a meeting with Annie at the bank," Katherine says.
A sudden silence falls over the kitchen. They haven't mentioned Annie since they started dating, this is the first time, and Katherine watches Jodie's reaction from the corner of her eye.
"She's not my favorite person, you know that," Jodie suddenly clarifies, "but I trust you, so you can tell me anything about her and mention her whenever you need to."