Page 42 of A Fate of Wings
Thea shot me an amused grin. “I’ll get them off her when you take me to your bedchambers.”
My mate in my bedchambers? I rubbed a fist over my chin. “I may need one of those tonics myself.”
Thea laughed so lightly and carefree.
“Ron,” she teased.
I groaned. “Don’t call me that.”
She stepped closer and ran her hands up my chest. “Tell me your real name, then.”
“Nice try.” I yanked her hips into my body.
“Still don’t trust me?” She pouted.
I tugged the mass of her messy blonde hair back until she stared up at me. “It’s not you I don’t trust. It’s your court.”
Her face fell a second before she spun away from me. “Perhaps next time we visit your family, we can stay longer?”
I crossed the distance she’d put between us and placed my hands on the back of her shoulders. “Anything you want, any time, it’s yours.”
She dipped her head in a tiny nod and then hauled open the chancellery door. Sure enough, Arine and Raefa were standing guard outside the door and Raelin was curled asleep in a chair in the corner. Thea gently shook Raelin’s shoulder. She woke with a start and apologized to Thea. They all followed me up the stairs to my bedchambers, where the guards took up residence outside the door again. Her handmaiden drew her a bath and placed her clean gown on the bed.
“I’ll take care of her.” I shooed Raelin out of the room.
Thea walked around my room, running her hand over the thick fabric hanging from the corners of my four-poster bed. I’d carved the posts out of demon wood from the trees in our Forest of Forgetting, icy pillars that stood the test of time and held the memories of those who willed them away to a demon. She traced the design, not knowing it represented the memories of those I’d taken. Demons were one of the few supernatural creatures who possessed the power to create portals to other realms. As such, we could charge any price. Most of us preferred our currency as a memory. The memories held energy, which added another layer to our powers. The more memories a demon possessed, the more powerful the demon.
“Getting ideas, little queen.”
“Perhaps. Unless.” She dropped her hand as though the wood scalded her.
“Unless what?”
“Unless you’ve enjoyed other women here.”
I chuckled. “You’re the first woman I’ve taken in my bedchambers.”
“How?” she asked with a healthy dose of skepticism in her voice.
“I was a virgin until you.”
She tossed her head back and laughed so long and hard, tears streamed down her cheek.
I stared at her, unblinking.
“Wait, you’re serious?” She brushed the tears from her cheeks.
“Yes.” I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing at the look of horror on her face.
She gasped. Opened her mouth, then closed it again. Three times she gaped at me before I took pity on her.
“I love ruffling your feathers.” I smirked.
“Why, you?” She advanced on me, heat and fire, ire, and passion, but I caught her wrists in my hands with ease and lifted her into my arms.
“Come, little mate, let’s get you cleaned before we head home.”
A short while later, Thea and I descended the stairs of the castle. Rexan and Tay were waiting in the entrance foyer, the burgundy carpet and gold moldings marking it as a royal abode. Tay rushed over to me and threw her arms around my waist. I hugged her back.