Page 44 of A Fate of Wings
Thea’s brows dipped.
“I’ll go with you,” I said.
“That’s all right.” Thea patted my hand. “You and I in a chancellery together might not be such a good idea.”
I laughed. She was right, I may just take her over a desk again.
“Perhaps you can find something else to do?” An amused smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth.
“Thea, I’m your mate, where you go, I go.”
“Okay, you can wait in the library across the hall.”
Close, but not close enough to her, but at least if something happened to her, I’d be close to hear. Close enough to save her from whatever we both sensed looming in the Autumn Court.
Chapter twenty-one
The Autumn Court
Ihad a pileof papers at my desk, but The Beast distracted me. The ambrosia oak timber was warm beneath my hands because I’d sat still so long staring at his profile while he read a leather-bound book. If a word or line caught his attention, he’d furrow his brows for the briefest moment that if I wasn’t watching him so very much, I’d have missed it.
He flicked the page and peered up. His tasty lips spread into a grin, then he winked at me. I dropped my attention to the papers otherwise I’d get up from the desk, walk across the hallway and drop to my knees in front of him.
Enticing thought that it was, I had duties to perform as the siren queen before my duties to a mate. Another reason sirens avoided taking a mate. We were fierce, independent women. Men were just an accessory we disposed of when they’d becomeuseless. I couldn’t imagine the Beast would ever be useless. In fact, I had a lot of uses for him right now.
I fumbled the quill. His deep voice was so close to me that he startled me. How did he sneak over here without my awareness? I scooped up the quill and placed it in the inkwell. The long, white swan’s feather wobbled for a split second, then settled. I pressed my fingers to my forehead. I’d finished taking care of the papers, but they’d taken longer than they should have.
Dropping my hand, I peered up. “Yes.”
His lips quirked as he chuckled. “You smudged a little ink on your face.”
I groaned and flopped backward in the chair. “Raelin will curse me.”
His laughter stopped and his expression became hard as though I carved him from the wood making his bed in the Winter Court. Dark. Ominous. A portent for the rage lurking inside him.
“Not literally.” I rolled my eyes.
Footsteps echoed along the stone hallway. The Beast spun so fast that he was a blur. In an instant, his leathery wings swooped out of his back and snapped forward talons ready to strike a foe.
The young siren who’d failed to sing paused in front of the doorway. Her luminous green eyes widened as she stumbled back a step.
“Your… Majesty,” she stuttered.
“Yes.” I rose an eyebrow and peered around the Beast.
“Your sister sent me to say the yellow moon has risen, and it’s time for you to get ready for the ceremony.” She stared at the floor as she spoke.
She feared the Beast, as she should. He was an imposing sight. Taking him as my mate was for the best. Not only was he a tremendous lover, but my heart fluttered whenever he was near. Perhaps I might have the type of love my mother and fathershared. I was keen to find out. Even more excited to discover if our lives together would be happy.
I rose from the chair and went to step around the Beast. His arm snapped out and tugged me to his side.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“My bedchambers to bathe, change, and ready myself for the claiming and coronation ceremony.”