Page 52 of A Fate of Wings
“You’re without doubt not a fae, then, since we don’t feel the cold.”
“Lu… cky you.” I wrapped my arms around myself, struggling to stave off the chill.
“Come inside and sit by the fire. I’ll cook dinner and maybe something will jog your memory?”
I doubted it, but sitting by the fire was too tempting. The coldness of my body was nothing compared to the icy chill inside my head and heart. What if I was here forever with no memory? What if the enemies Seamus assumed I had approached, and Iheld no memory of them? No knowledge they were my enemy. What if I trusted the wrong person?
Chapter twenty-four
The Autumn Court
Iwoke locked behindlarge black bars on a cool stone floor. Of course, the sirens had caged me. In a dungeon by the looks of it. Rows and rows of iron bars stretched down the length of the room for as far as I saw. Beside me, a tiny figure groaned in the cell next to mine. I ignored whoever was in there and hollered so loud the sound bounced off the walls like my rage was a living beast. It would be soon. If anything had happened to Thea, then I would leave no siren alive in this hellhole of a realm.
A guard rushed into the hallway, a sword in her hand. As if a sword would stop me. I’d take it from her after I cleaved her head from her body with my talons.
“What do you want?” she snapped, pointing the sword at my chest.
I gripped the bars. The metal was cool beneath my heated grasp. “Why am I in here?”
“You threatened the queen’s life.”
“She’s not your queen,” I seethed. “I’d never lay a harming hand on my mate.”
“Look, demon.” She stepped closer, keeping the glistening silver sword between us but staying well out of my reach. “She is our queen. I don’t know what game you’re playing seeking to come to the Autumn Court and claim the queen. Perhaps it was all a ruse to become king?”
“Wouldn’t I have waited until after she claimed me to attack her if that was the case?”
“So you admit it.” She sneered.
I yanked the bars with all my strength, intent on getting out of this cage and showing this imbecile who their real queen was, finding my mate, and killing whoever did this to her. “I have no plans except that of finding my mate.”
So I lied a little.
She laughed. “You won’t be getting out of this cage ever.”
“We’ll see about that.”
I wrenched on the metal bars again, but they held tight. Even my mighty muscles didn’t budge them.
She sheathed her sword, turned, and left the hallway with a smirk etched on her too-beautiful face.
I cursed the ever-living hell out of her, but her leather heels clicked down the stone hallway and she disappeared from my sight.
There was more than one way out of here and if I couldn’t get through the bars, then I’d portal out. Summoning my powers, a harsh zap exploded inside the cell, dropping me to my knees. My hands smoked as though a fire had burned them. Shit, someone magically imbued the cell with enough force to singe me alive ifI weren’t such a powerful rage demon. I roared my frustration. Even my powers wouldn’t get me out of here and to Thea.
“Please,” arose a whisper beside me. “Stop yelling. My head hurts.”
My head whipped to the side. Anger and frustration were ready to explode on anyone. Even another prisoner. Perhaps if I killed whoever was next to me, they’d move me, and I’d have a chance at escape. I stomped over to the bars connecting the two cells. All I’d have to do is reach my arm through the bars and snap their neck.
“Who is that?”
“Raelin,” she whispered.
“Thea’s handmaiden?”
Shit. I couldn’t kill her.