Page 71 of A Fate of Wings
“Iwill claim youright here, right now.” I fluttered my wings wide, showing off their large wingspan and the power in them, and kept them on display. A blood-splattered show of my power along with the bloodied crown. I sat in my rightful place. “Fetch me a priestess.”
The Beast rose his head and winked at me.
I smiled back at his cocky attitude. He’d stood at my back. Kept me safe while I’d dispatched with the traitors in my kingdom. He was a worthy mate. One I couldn’t wait to claim as mine.
More guards rushed into the throne room and dragged Melanie’s body across the floor, leaving a red smear in their wake. I liked the thought of it being a red carpet for our upcoming ceremony.
I tapped the staff against my foot, waiting with impatience for someone to produce a priestess. Saltine appeared out of nowhere, a huge smile on her face. She flicked back the hood of her black cape and strode along the blood aisle. Pausing at the bottom of the throne, she inclined her head.
I rose and stepped forward.
The Beast, still on his knees, waited for my signal of when he could rise. Smart demon. I fell in love with him at that moment. The demon was willing to put himself at my beck and call. To allow me to lead my people. I wasn’t sure what he’d say once I told him we had a son. A child I longed to return for and fetch back here.
Sirens would never accept a king. As our firstborn, he would be next in line to the throne. Traditionally, there’d never been a male siren born. We were always female. Never male. The other sirens would never accept a male ruler. Then there was Melanie. She would attempt to assassinate him even from the dark depths of a cell. I didn’t doubt she’d find a way to end the life of a successor to the throne. As it was, she was still next in line to rule if I died. If that changed, then it wouldn’t be just myself I was protecting, it would be our child. A child who’d know nothing but hate and fear his entire life. I didn’t want that for him. He deserved the love and acceptance he had from Cara and Seamus. They would love him forever. Remembering how selflessly they’d loved us would have to keep me from reaching for our son. Keep me from bringing him into this dangerous life of a siren royal.
I cleared my throat before I told him now about Cillian. “Rise, Beast.”
He rose to his impressive height. Horns proudly protruded from the top of his head. His leathery wings were still behind him. The fatal talons were a weapon I could use if I so desired ofhim. He would do anything for me. He’d let my sister live when we both knew I should kill her.
The Beast mumbled something under his breath. Saltine shot him a look that reminded me of regret and sadness. Perhaps I recognized it because that’s how I felt right now that we couldn’t bring our son to the Autumn Court. She shook the expression off a second later.
“Dearly beloved,” Saltine cackled.
We both shot her a glare.
“Can’t a witch have a little fun?” She tossed her cape from her shoulders and withdrew a small dagger. “Hands out.”
I held my hand out. The Beast placed his hand beside mine. Saltine slashed our wrists and then slammed our palms together. The slice stung. The cut wasn’t deep, but the blade held power.
“Claim your mate,” she said.
“I claim you as mine for all time. With my blood, you will answer me. With my essence, you are my mate.”
Swirling red-black energy circled our wrists, floated up over our hands, and dissipated from our fingertips.
Saltine gathered her robe, slid the dagger inside, then disappeared as instantly as she’d arrived. I didn’t miss the murderous look the Beast glared at her during the entire ceremony.
I drew my hand out of his and motioned Raelin forward. She stepped toward me, a crown of black iron and red rubies in her hands.
“Kneel Beast.”
He followed my command.
“With this crown, you will be king of the sirens.” I placed the crown on his head over his horns.
It was like they’d made the siren king’s crown for him, yet we passed it down through the ages just as we handed down the queen’s crown through the royal line.
A cheer spread out through the throne room.
The Beast rose and together we sat on the pair of thrones. It’d been a long time since the sirens had welcomed a king. Not since my father. I’d do everything in my power to make sure they did not murder the Beast as I suspected my father was. Now I questioned if Melanie had been the culprit…
I led the Beast away much later after a tiresome number of formalities, debriefing of the guards, and learning all there was to know about what Melanie had done as queen. Melanie had been the one to kill the Fae King in her quest for more power. Everyone thought it was me, though. Even if we explained the situation, the fae would never welcome us in the Summer Court ever again. We’d try to undo the damage Melanie brought to the siren name, but it might take many years to achieve the task. Years we had as immortals. Those years Melanie would spend in the dungeon paying for her crimes.
The Beast joined me in flight into the sky away from any prying ears for I still had to make certain there were no more traitors in cahoots with Melanie lying in wait in my court.
“I have to tell you something.” I cupped his face as we hovered together in the clouds over the Autumn Court.