Page 110 of The Damaged Billionaire's Obsession
“No,” I screech, “it makes it worse. I wanna break up, please.”
Ethan grabs me and drags me back onto his lap. “It’s too late, babe, you’re stuck with me.”
“I’ll need therapy for this, I’m telling you.”
“There’s a reason I stopped going with them after the first time.” Ingrid pats Luke’s leg.
“As long as you’re getting help for it, we might as well tell you the rest of his quirks, so you’ll get all the information you need at once,” Grant points out.
“Jesus, there’s more!”
Ethan rumbles behind me, “You have no idea, girlfriend.”
“Oh, my God, what did I sign up for?”
Ingrid says, “Don’t worry, Bonnie, you’re in good hands. These guys have a few unusual habits, but they’re the best in the world. I’m so crazy about you boys.”
“Aww.” Luke pecks her lips.
“You know, it’s interesting, I think I loved Ethan first. I was on the renovation team he hired for Acercraft when they first moved to Fifth Avenue. I made such a mess of the decor, I did the complete opposite to what was specified, and the way he handled it, I think he was more concerned about me beating myself up for it.”
“Ha! Ingrid, you do know that was the transformed Ethan, don’t you? The old one puts the B in barbarian. For about five years, I was worried he couldn’t speak, only communicating in grunts and growls,” Grant says.
“Grant, come on. I was not that bad,” Ethan argues.
“No, that can’t be true, Grant,” Ingrid says.
“Exactly! Thank you!” Ethan says to Ingrid.
“Oh, that was before you knew him, Ingrid. Before Clarissa and co had worked on him.”
“Grant, shut the fuck up.” Ethan sends his brother a death glare.
“Who’s Clarissa? I ask, already intrigued.
“The girl who taught him how to speak again,” Grant happily clarifies.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Ethan hugs me tight and kisses my temple. “She’s no one important.”
“She’s certainly important if she had that much impact on you. An ex?” I question.
“A friend,” Ethan reluctantly replies.
“Who loved him. One of his many 'blondies'. He discovered computers and stopped talking, then discovered blondes and started talking again.”
“Pop, get your son. How is this appropriate conversation to have in front of my girlfriend?” Ethan growls.
“Shut up, Grant,” Luke barks at him. “Although, Ethan, I must point out your sudden affinity to the word girlfriend. I notice you’ve worked it into the conversation at least a dozen times. I wonder why that is?”
They guffaw, and even Ingrid chortles, while Ethan groans. “I need a new family.”
I’m wondering what’s so funny when Grant says, “Bonnie, you’re his very first girlfriend.”
“Okay, that’s enough about me,” Ethan snaps. It’s too dark to know for sure, but I think he’s blushing.
“Seriously? You’ve never had a girlfriend?” I whisper. I can’t stop the giddy feeling I got at the news.
“No, you’re my first, my one and only, babe. I was waiting for you to show up.” He replies just as quietly. He puts his face in my neck and sucks on my earlobe, his thumb discreetly slipping under the hem of my t-shirt to caress my belly. Behind me, I feel him start to harden. I bite my lip to suppress a moan, and my hand goes into his thick hair. He knows I can’t resist when he talks like that.