Page 126 of The Damaged Billionaire's Obsession
I woke up the following morning to eye patches and screaming babies, and to my utmost horror, Elsa informed me that I was banned from flying. I had to laugh at how ridiculous that notion was, but she assured me that unless I was prepared to drive or sail to New York, I was stuck in her house for two weeks.
“You still didn’t check in for a whole week!” Gino says. “That’s never happened before. What’s a man supposed to fucking think? I still needed to see you in person. You know I care about you.”
I scoff.No, Gino. You’d shoot me in a heartbeat if I crossed you.
Still he’s the most dependable person I know. Gino does not break his word. Although, he doesn’t give it without a price. If he commits to protecting you, rest assured, no harm can befall you without first crossing him.
But fail to uphold your end of the deal, and the consequences are swift and lethal—a bullet between the eyes. It’s as straightforward as that.
“Tell everyone to calm down; your ass is not, in fact, flapping in the wind, Gino. I’ve got it all under control. There’s no leak or access to any information from your end, and all your transactions are safe. Well, those that I know of.”
“Okay, thanks to you, I’m going to start breathing easier now.”
I roll my eyes. He’s got several layers of security, I’m sure I’m not the only person he has working for him. He just likes to keep tabs on everyone.
“Gino, how come I went off your radar for a whole week and you couldn’t locate me? Are you saying your security isn’t airtight, and I could have slipped through your fingers? Or be kidnapped? Because if it isn’t, you do know you’re fucked seven ways from hell, right?”
“My security is airtight. It’s your house that’s a fucking impregnable fortress, you little shit. And don’t think I don’t hear that threat.”
“What threat? You scratch my back—“
“Yeah, yeah, you suck my dick, I know.” He guffaws at my disgusted expression. “Alright, then, all’s good in Wonderland. Gotta go. Give Bonnie a nice, wet kiss for me, will you?”
“Fuck off, Gino.”
“What? That’s how we Italians say hello,” he claims.
“She’s Irish.”
“She’s fucking family, is what she is.”
“Whatever. Thanks, I owe you one.”
“You always owe me one. Ciao.”
And that’s another way Giovanni rules New York. Everyone owes him something.
I shut down the laptop and grab the glass of scotch next to me.
Bonnie is pregnant. And she ran to Vancouver with my baby because she thought I wouldn’t want it. I thought I had done enough to reassure Bonnie that I love her more than anything. Itrankles that apparently I’d not done enough. Or she’s too thick-headed to accept what is plain as day.
I should have asked her to marry me. But I couldn’t ask her without letting her know what she’d be signing up for. And a part of me worried she’d take a look and bolt, and I admit I wasn’t willing to take that risk.
Now, she’s pregnant.
When I finally had the eyepatches off two days after my Munich procedure and looked at my phone, I saw several messages from her, each sent with an increasing degree of panic. I saw her messages about wanting to talk about going to see her mom and not being sure it was the right thing to do.
I was shocked that within two days, without prior planning, she’d gone to Ireland to see her mom and then Vancouver.
But nothing could have prepared me for her final message.
Bonnie: Hey, Harvard, I’ve decided to take Xi-Gen’s offer and move to Vancouver. I’ve had some time to think about us, and I don’t think it’ll work out. I ask that you respect my wishes not to be contacted. It’s better this way. No mess, just the way you like it, right? Thanks for everything you’ve done and taught me. I’ll never forget you.
I was numb with shock and disbelief for the first few hours, and then anger surged within me. There I was, taking the biggest steps to overcome my darkness,for her,and she’s busy running around the globe away from me.
What is it about that Ireland that every fucking time she goes there, something twists her up, and I end up getting screwed over? She went to see her mom, and next thing I know, she’d taken off halfway across the world.
The way I like it?I’ll show her the way I like it once I get my hands on her.