Page 51 of The Damaged Billionaire's Obsession
So, he likes me and is rooting for me, he just has a strange way of showing it.
A few days ago I even went as far as requesting a meeting with him, but all Will was able to schedule was a telephone call during which Ethan was helpful enough, but his demeanor still frustrated me to no end.
When I couldn't hold it anymore, I just came right out and asked him.
“Are you avoiding me, Ethan?” I knew he was, it was so obvious. Still, I wanted to hear what he'd say.
“I’m right here on the phone with you,” he answered.
“No, I mean seeing me in person.”
“Why would I avoid seeing you, you’re my employee.”
I’ve never hated a word more in that moment.
“Ethan, you never see me. You see Owen often enough, andI’mthe one working on Dreadlite.” I was disgusted with the whiny way my voice sounded so I hardened my tone. “If I didn’t know better, Harvard, I would think you just didn’t trust yourself around me.”
There was a long pause. Then, he said, “If that was all you wanted to discuss, Bonnie, I’d like to get back to work, I'm sure you're equally busy. If you need more help with Dreadlite, speak to Will, and I’ll do my best to help.”
If that wasn’t a kick in the ego, I don’t know what it was.
Jesus, what am I, contagious? Did I imagine it, or did he not get a raging hard-on the last time I was in his office?
Surely, he should be able to manage five minutes on the phone with me without feeling the need to bolt.
Since that phone call, I’ve let him be. Until, yesterday that is, when out of the blue, Will called me. It seemed that almighty Zeus himself wanted to see me about Dreadlite.
I was too shocked to say anything except okay.
After being rebuffed so much, I should have feigned excuses to make him sweat a little, but I was too curious. So I'm both looking forward to and dreading the meeting with him today.
Last night, I was so excited that I had to drink three glasses of wine before I could settle down to sleep.
And now Twiggy has woken me up at the crack of dawn. I know that it's no use going back to bed, so I head to my desk and work until it's time to leave for work.
By the time 2 p.m. rolls around, I’m a nervous wreck. I’m appalled by how keyed up I am, trembling like an addict longing for her next hit.
It takes me back to those days in Clonmel when in desperation, Twiggy and I would scour the busy high street for a fat pocket to pick. I absently rub at the sensitive skin of my inner elbow.
I cannot believe I'm this bothered over a guy. I check the time again and see that I’ve got fifteen minutes until I see him.
I need to take back some control.
Grateful that I decided to wear a button-down silk shirt today, I undo the first three buttons and head to Ethan’s office to do something I’ve not done in months. Not deliberately and not since starting here.
Not since… Ethan.
On the day of the interview something unspoken passed between us. Since then I've wanted only his attention. Only his desire. Only his praise.
Only him.
And he's denied me repeatedly. Who knows what'll happen in fifteen minutes?
I go to Will.
“And the boss lady is here,” Will says as I strut towards him. I do it slowly, so he can take in my bare legs and short skirt.
I smile, already feeling my frayed nerves calming with the appreciation I see in his eyes.