Page 57 of The Damaged Billionaire's Obsession
I know by that he means back mingling with the rest of the tech floor instead of being holed up in my office, in meetings, or having training sessions with interns.
“I don’t know that I’m ‘back’ for good, though. It’s never-ending work.”
“Yeah, I know, but you gotta pace yourself, Bonnie.”
“You know something crazy? I really do enjoy it. I don’t want to pace myself, Owen,” I whine playfully.
I’m usually one of the first to get in—that is, on the days I’m not messed up with nightmares. I’m also often the last to leave my floor, and then, I can’t wait to get back the next morning. I thought Brooke was crazy when she declared how much she liked her jobandher boss. Who knew that would be me?
Only, I’m pretty sure I like my own boss more than she does hers.
“It’s obvious you enjoy it. You never leave!”
I still see interest in his eyes when he looks at me these days, but I think it's more of admiration than wanting to sleep with me, although I might be wrong. I thought I could read men expertly, but it turns out I’m the one being read like a book.
“If only he knew you were the Hera to his Zeus, Bonnie, I’m sure he wouldn't antagonize you so much. He’d collaborate with you instead. You’d make a great team. Although, I’m sure I could get fired for even suggesting that!” Owen says.
I’m confused. “What do you mean?”
“You’re literally the female version of Ethan Hawthorne. Workaholic, crazy intelligent, hot—well, I’ll take the ladies’ word for Zeus, but I can speak for the men with respect to you,—and we hardly ever see you, but we feel your impact. All the time. Just like we do Zeus's”
“Huh? Rewind to the ‘antagonize’ part.”
“I mean, he resists you at every step, yet you shine through.”
“What?” I still don't get what he's talking about.
“Come on, Bonnie. Everyone knows he’s an asshole to you. I’ll never know what you did for him to not like you. Take the Dreadlite fiasco, for example. He hates that you got it.”
“Excuse me?”
“You didn’t know? Zeus threw a fit when they suggested you handle it. Of course, I get his reasoning, as launches are only ever handled by partners. We were all surprised when we heard Dreadlite was going to a much junior staff this year. But we immediately guessed you'd be the one.”
“What are you talking about, Owen? Ethan’s been nothing but supportive on this project. How do you even know all this?”
“Well, you didn’t hear it from me, but Sajid told me a couple of weeks ago. I’d gone to see him for something and was waiting around his office when he stormed in, majorly pissed by something. Apparently, Jordan had to clear the room to put the screws to Ethan for God knows how long before he'd finally agreed.”
Wow. Really?
He shrugs. “He said he didn’t think you could do it, but here you are now, proving him wrong and killing it.”
“Sure, of course. Thanks, Owen,” I say.
I’d lost my appetite at some point during the conversation, and my chest is starting to hurt badly, but I manage a smile.
I’m sorely regretting my decision to mingle with everyone. I would have been happier not knowing.
Ethan doesn't like me, and everybody knows it. Yet, I’m the fool who can’t tell the difference between a boss who’s just being nice and a man who’s interested in her.
Ethan would probably have kicked me out long ago if not for Jordan. The fact I’m friends with Jordan’s wife is probably the only reason I’m still here. I fight the tears that spring to my eyes with everything in me.
Jordan had been lying about him all along. Or at least, he’s been sugarcoating things to spare my feelings.
To think that I was so giddy and excited to see Ethan yesterday, thinking he wanted to talk about us. And I threw myself at him again. Suddenly, it's Thistledown Secondary all over again, and I’m the village idiot with a crush on the popular boy.
Granted, I didn’t really want him to fuck me, or did I? I just wanted to see the look of ecstasy on Ethan’s face. I wanted it so bad.