Page 1 of Captured By the Alien Captain
My boots thump against the metal floor as I approach the large glass pane separating my crew and the vast length of the universe. Stars scatter as far as the eye can see.
Pahaliah is in the distance, its orange rings wrapped multiple times around the planet. Giving off a low glow, it’s as breathtaking as the rest of the view.
Staring out in a daze, I lose count of the seconds. Time feels endless when it comes to drifting around in such a void. Sometimes, if possible, I like to shut off my brain for a few minutes. Moments where I can stand around without getting interrupted feel rarer as the fight for humanity’s survival continues.
“Commander!” A hidden layer of fear is lingering behind Stevens’ voice as he calls for me.
Like that, the peace is broken, disturbed by whatever new event has occurred. With a role to fill, I have no option but to head in his direction. Seeing the horror on his face as his fingers hover over the keyboard below, I prepare myself for the worst.
Lately, that’s all this is. I never get told good news, not for the last few months. Someone is always dying, settlements are getting attacked and raided. The only question I have to ask iswho.
“What’s the problem?” Face calm, I move my eyes to his screen. The promise of the wordURGENTacross the display is all I need to see. There’s been another attack, no doubt.
The Inferno, my prized vessel, is famous for coming to the rescue on more occasions than I can count on both hands and toes. With my command, anyone who steps in our path is set to only have one path left in life. One that simply leads to death.
“It’s from sector five.” His voice trembles, and for good reason too. “We received a distress transmission.”
A few glances shoot in my direction, some concerned, some scared. The sound of my teeth grinding is never a good sign.
“Play the transmission, Stevens’. That’s an order.”
Stay calm and collected. That’s what that bastard Hendrick advised during our last meeting. Dared to point out my ill temper. People don’t want to follow a leader who is irrational and trigger-happy. A bunch of bullshit, if you ask me.
He taps a button on his hologram and, just like that, the enlarged word is replaced by shaky footage.
Someone is running, the one recording. There’s heavy breathing, and a string of curses as blood-curdling screams fill the inside of our ship. Sounds all too familiar. There’s a flash of the attacker, their midnight-colored skin reflecting in the footage as they slaughter those who are less fortunate than our current runner.
TheMedarians.Always coated in crimson, blood from us humans rather than their own, they attack those who are defenseless.
I’m hardly phased as other crew members turn to see what is happening.
“Fast forward, I can see the distress. Is there a message I’m meant to be hearing here?”
Stevens fumbles with the video, hunting and searching for any forms of communication.
“Commander!” From the other end of the ship, a head of fiery red hair pops through sliding doors. Dasha, the fearless woman, grimaces. That’s no good. “Direct communications from Captain Hendrick.”
Guessing this has something to do with the video we’ve received, I’m coasting across the floor with long steps. My lungs burn with each breath. My knuckles ache with how tight my fists are formed.
I can try to hold my anger to the best of my ability, but there is no hiding how much fear slips out. In the pit of my gut, I know what is going to be said. I don’t need it spelled out to me. Yet, I still race to reach the empty and quiet room. Excusing Dasha, she closes the door to leave me in solitude.
A long path of blackened carpet leads me to a set of controls. Inhaling deeply, I calm my nerves and promise myself everything is fine. Sector five is not the biggest, but there are multiple settlements. Any of them could’ve been targeted.
Flora is going to be fine. She’s most likely tucked away in her medical hut, hiding away from anyone who isn’t uninjured. Hell, she’s probably experimenting on whatever lifeforms she can get her hands on.
She’s not lifeless in some ditch, lost to the universe.
Straightening my posture, I accept the call and watch as the room is lit up by the hologram version of a man I detest. Agedwithwisdomandexperience, he’s the man who tells me what to do. The one to spit out orders left and right from his cushy chair in his camp. Clearing my face of any emotion, I salute as I’m meant to.
“Sir. I’ve received your transmission.” Holding my tongue to avoid looking desperate by asking any questions, I wait for him to fill me in.
He waves his hand, dismissing my form. Something has his attention and I’m sure this attack has him busy contacting whatever forces are near.
With the speed of my ship, and with my determination to murder all the bastards who have harmed humans for the last couple of months, he made the right decision by contacting me first.