Page 4 of Captured By the Alien Captain
“I’ve never lost a battle in my life. I look forward to being the one who will spill your blood. Goodbye.” I don’t end the call, I simply stroll out.
I want him to hear the order come out of my lips. I want him to know thatI’mthe one who is about to wreck his shit and make him regret taking something precious.
Making my way back to the main area, I stop to look at the view. Between the sparkle of stars scattered around our surroundings to the ugly gray gas planet hiding behind the largevessel belonging to the other species, it’s a view many will never see.
Even fewer will get to see the destruction.
“Fire the cannon!” My voice carries across the length of our ship. Unlike others who reach to grab onto something for support, I stand as strong as my resolution.
There’s a few seconds of silence. Enough to hear the collection of nervous breathing. With thirty crew members on this ship, there’s plenty of nerves to share. My heart thuds heavily.
Between feeling worried about the fate of my sister and the ache to seek revenge, my heart doesn’t slow.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The ship suddenly rocks to the side as a beam shoots from our ship directly toward the vessel. I don’t blink, refusing to miss the moment of contact.
Space swallows up the sound, but there’s no denying the flash of yellow and orange as an explosion appears. A direct hit.
“Again!” The demand rips past my lips, burning hot.
In the corner of my eye, I see a pod escaping. Too quick to do anything about it, I scoff under my breath.Cowards. If I have to guess, the man who was on the call resides inside. Seems he was all talk.
Another beam of light shoots from our ship, resulting in the same fashion. Imagining those murderers scattering and panic fills me with indescribable pleasure.
Ready to call out a third shot, I’m surprised when everything shuts off without any sort of warning.
Shrouded in darkness, I look at the emergency lights glowing. Scowling, I’m left feeling my way around.
“What is happening? I need answers!” We have no power. Everything is shut down. No power means no light cannon. Every second we don’t hit them is another second they breathe.A flashing red light glows the brightest. A warning to let everyone know that we’re running on backup oxygen here.
Throw together thirty panicked crew members, I’m giving us an hour at most. That’s to say we aren’t hit first.
“Shields are down!” Someone helpful calls from across the room. “Incoming–”
I’m suddenly thrown to the side when something hits the ship. Unprepared, I grunt as I tumble to the ground. I’m not the only one caught off guard.
“Someone get this power back on and running!” I can bark as many orders as I want, but with the rush of panic going on, hardly half of these people are listening. Grunting, I push to my feet and stumble when there’s another hit. Neither are from missiles. Without explosions, I don’t have the faintest clue what is happening.
Making my way through tangled limbs and panicked crew members, I head toward the cockpit.
“Give me something, Gunner.”
My pilot is as frustrated as I am. He’s flipping switches, grunting when nothing happens. “EMP, I believe. Had to be a powerful one too to take us out.”
Fuck. Now what? Our system is useless.The Infernowas always meant to burn. Now look at us, floating in space. An EMP. What a stupid way to lose.
If you had used your head, you would’ve prepared for this.
“Can we get any form of communication out?” Not like sending out our own distress call will do anything. Only someone stupid would come out here.
What was I thinking?
I grunt and take in our surroundings. “Wait, we’re moving. Why are we moving?”
He gives up his attempts and runs a hand down his face. “Looks like they’ve harpooned us. Destroyed our left cannon.”
We’re being dragged in. Great. Wonderful.