Page 48 of Captured By the Alien Captain
“I can be a hot head sometimes,” she admits, like I didn’t get to see her anger up close. “I’ve been called a handful many times in the past.”
“There have been cases of my kind rejecting their soulmates, Rhis. If there were any notion of not wanting you as much as I do, I have the choice to stop this.” My hand leaves her face and slowly trails down her front. “I have fallen for who you are. Despite seeing a course of emotions seep through you, my feelings have not changed. I marked you for a reason. Not only to show others that you are taken but to remind us of this bond.”
She reaches up and grazes the mark. Nodding her head, her eyes close as my touch reaches her hips. Lifting them, she helps me ease her pants off.
“On Earth, we usually just say we love each other instead of giving speeches.” Forcing a laugh, her eyes crack open to watch my hands stroke her thighs. Soon, they’ll be quivering.
“You will have to teach me your ways,” I muse as I take in the damp spot of her underwear. “Do you love me, Jax?”
With such a short time being together, I’m not expecting her to be completely convinced to throw all of her experience behind her with my kind. Being a little unforgiving is expected.
Silence fills the room, and I expect more hesitance. Instead, she huffs and covers her face in embarrassment.
“You really think I’d let you shove that monster in between your thighs inside of me if I didn’t?” Her huffs continue even after I peel her wrists away and take in those red cheeks. “You know, I’m still kind of sore thanks to your roughness. I don’t even know if I can handle a round now.”
Grinning, I nuzzle her neck and hug her close. She continues to complain.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise.” Murmuring the words against her mark, I grin when her body jerks against mine. “First, I’ll lick you thoroughly until my jaw aches. Then, if you’re not satisfied, I’ll be gentle.”
As her body relaxes, she sighs.
Jax is still mysterious to me. With the smell of her arousal, I doubt she wants anything to do with gentleness. She’s a fan of a little roughness.
“Fine,” she grumbles as if I can’t feel the thump of her heart. Once she’s ready to open up and start making demands, that’ll be when the real fun begins.
She doesn’t complain when I lift to peel away her underwear. Not even a peep when I get between her thighs and kiss a trail up toward her slick pink core. Only small sighs of relief.
I don’t mind. Here soon, I’ll have her screaming. The night is still young and with the business of the future, I don’t plan on leaving this bed again until we have to.
Three Months Later
“Have I ever told you how impressive your ship is?”
Instead of looking at Runar, I keep my eyes forward. Many of my crew are staring at their screens, purposely not trying to mind our presence. “Only when you want something. So, what do you want?”
If he suggests slipping off somewhere after I deliberately told him that fooling around is not an option, I’m going to have to pull him aside and give him a scolding.
Today is a day of importance. It’ll be the first time we’ll be stepping onto Ventura. I’m meant to be checking on how colonies are settling and Runar is at my side to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Personally, I don’t think he could survive letting me go by myself. He gets all mournful if I leave him alone for too long. This trip is meant to last overnight.
Sneaking him a look, I see he’s not even trying to hide his smirk. I’ve hit his intentions right on the bullseye.
Unfortunately, I know if he says the words, I will cave. In truth, I’m no better than him, especially when we’ve had too many late nights filled with fulfilling our duties.
The threats on Ventura are still as dangerous as they were from day one. However, it’s getting better. Now that more weapons are distributed amongst everyone, they have a way to protect themselves. Plus, with Runar sending the four members of the Sixth over there to help teach ways to defend themselves, everything should be well and dandy when we arrive.
“You’re nervous,” he points out softly. Our bond makes picking up on emotions and feelings way too easy by this point in our relationship. “You have nothing to worry about. Flora’s reports are promising.”
He’s right. They’re working on the toxicity levels, managing them to the best of their abilities. Only so much can be done in a short amount of time.
Most of our invites were accepted. While most didn’t want to consider moving to the vessel, they accepted Ventura to be their home. Those who didn’t want to be given the anti-toxins had to pick a mysterious shot over dying a painful death.
Flora insists the peace is there. However, I feel unsettled.