Page 7 of Captured By the Alien Captain
With a growl rumbling through my chest and my amusement disappears in a flash, I catch her next punch.
“Enough.” With the squeeze of my fingers and the grunt that leaves her lips, I feel the sharp sting of her nails as they try topry open my grip. Any scratches she leaves are healed in a matter of seconds. Hardly takes much energy with how little damage is made.
She’s panting, flushed. Her eyes are wild, adrenaline filling them with every second passing. She stops for only a moment, taking long enough to look me over. Her scowl grows when she sees I have no weapons on my body either. Nothing she can try to snatch and use against me.
Even now, she continues to fight. Her spirit is strong, and I’d be impressed if I weren’t so disgusted by her race.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Human.” Not right now, anyway. “I’ve called you here to talk.”
“I don’t talk to monsters.” Spitting her insult, she kicks my thigh. “Give me back my sister!”
Interesting. Understanding her desperation a bit more, I think back to the healer. If she puts up as much of a fight as this one does, then I might have to use this woman to my advantage. Remind them both of their situation. We’ll have to see what is necessary when the time comes.
“Let me go!” Going as far as trying to bite my grip, I give her a little yank to throw her off balance. Another unregistered curse is sent in my direction.
This spitfire isn’t going to calm down until she’s out of energy.
With my hold on her wrist remaining tight, I pick her up. She’s light as a feather, easy to break with one jerk of a motion. If I wanted to teach her a lesson through pain, I could easily shatter her wrist. Instead, I don’t cause any harm. Throwing her over my shoulder, her gasp fills the empty room.
“We are getting nowhere in here.” Stating the obvious, I turn toward the door. Motioning with my hand for it to open, I feel the thump of her balled fists against my back with every step.
“Put me down!” Snarling and growling, the human doesn’t care too much for the scene she’s stirring up. More incoherent words leave her lips and I make a note to learn what she’s calling me in front of my crew.
Making the mistake of breathing in, I inhale deeply. Discovering how much I enjoy this sweetness makes our situation less bothersome.
Everyone is sending curious looks in our direction. Most are confused. Besides the healing human Varrum brought with him, there’s never been another of their kind aboard this vessel. None seek such a death wish after everything they’ve done.
“I can not risk you harming one of the innocents.” My arm holds her wiggling legs. “This is how I will carry you until I know you can control yourself.”
Hearing a grunt, I’m satisfied when she goes limp. Good. About time.
I continue to walk, my steps heavy. Not even sure where I want to take her, my feet carry me with every step. I should’ve kept her in the interrogation room, gotten some cuffs, and properly questioned her.
Instead, I’m listening to the murmurs of passing crewmates. They’re concerned about why I’m carrying around the enemy.
“Is she alive, the doctor you kidnapped?” Her breath warms my back as she catches her breath. “Don’t think about lying to me.”
“Yes. No harm has been aimed her way.” Admitting the truth, I can’t help but notice the way she relaxes against my frame. Unwilling to let my guard down in the slightest, I try not to notice. “We need her to undo the damage she’s done. Once my people are healed, I’ll let you both go.”
I shouldn’t promise something like this, not when there are plenty of others who would rather see the human race perish.
“When can I see her? As much as I’d love to believe you, I can’t say I’m willing to put my complete trust in you.”
“Soon.” Grunting, I don’t recall seeing Varrum after we were hit with the first blast from her ship. I’m sure he has no intention of letting that red-haired healer out of his sight. Not when she’s got such a purpose when it comes to saving our people.
First things first, I need to find them. Before I set this female off by telling her that I don’t know where the healer is, I do a little looking around.
After a few minutes, she sighs. “Put me down. I’ll be good. This is humiliating.”
If her words don’t prove the fact, her flushed cheeks do the trick. Not looking in my direction, she has no choice but to stare at my stomach or the floor.
“I find that hard to believe.” I take a few more steps and enjoy the frustration blowing out of her in the form of a sigh. “There are children, Human. If you think death is the answer to all of your problems, just know, there are plenty of innocent species here. Some who have never touched a blade or have ever needed to fight for survival.”
Not just my kind, but others who fight for survival. Everyone here wants to live.
Releasing her, my shoulder grows cool without her radiating warmth. Expecting her to attempt a last-ditch effort to be free, I’m surprised when she straightens her shoulders and takes in our surroundings. The way those green eyes scan and search, my mouth twitches.
“If you’re looking for any means of escape, you’ll be wasting your time. You’re not going anywhere, Human.”