Page 9 of Captured By the Alien Captain
Play ignorant. That’ll give this vessel a few more minutes of peace.
Her eyes light up and a smile threatens to take over her scowl. One little curve is enough to throw me off.
For a moment, I forget that I’m trying to play her. I forget that my jaw has a small ache from her kick.
What kind of king caves because of a small smile?
She’s getting her hopes up with the idea of escaping again. It’s written all over her face. So obvious.
Without putting up a fight, I lead her in the direction of the living area. With an entire community living on this vessel, it’s an honest surprise Jax thought she could take this place down with one mere battleship. Sure, their cannons had done a bit of damage, but we would’ve had to be hit a hundred times before I’d have to worry about the state of those I take care of.
She looks around confused, hardly hiding the surprise on her expression. Passing by others, she jerks back to look behind us. “It’s not just Medarians here?”
“No. We take in many species, those who require help.” Receiving a snort, I ignore it. “Those who are willing to negotiate and give in, they are allowed to live a life of ease.”
“Well, isn’t thatkindof you.” Her face twists up as she glares ahead. “So those who don’t want to become slaves to a ruler, those are the ones you kill?”
Jax doesn’t understand. She’s the same as the rest of her kind. Despite being built to kill, we are one of the most peaceful species here. We don’t want to fight, not unless it’s necessary. When our brothers and sisters are murdered, then it is required.
“Believe what you want, Human. Your feelings are influenced by your beliefs. Nothing I can say will be able to fix that, even if I only speak the truth.”
Our conversation ends there much to my relief. She wants to fight, even now. Be it with her fists or that malicious tongue of hers, she doesn’t know the definition of surrender.
After another minute or two, her steps slow to a stop.
“We have yet to reach any escape pods.” Pointing out the obvious, she slows. Her brows lower and she jerks at the realization that something is not right. “Where are you taking me?”
Well, at least I got her to our next destination before she connected the dots.
“You will not find the chance to escape.” I come to a stop and face a closed door. With a blur of my fingers, I type in a code to make the door slide open.
Gasping in surprise, her brows arch as her hands ball up in fists. “I’ve already told you what I want-”
“When we find the healer and she gives us what we want, I will deal with you then.” I give her a push, hardly with much strength, and she stumbles toward the doorway. “Be good.”
Rage flashes before her eyes and she steps forward just as the door slides shut. Through the metal, her words are muffled. Not that it matters, I don’t understand her when she’s so angry.
Typing in a code to keep the door secured, I run a hand down my face. Breathing in, a groan rumbles at the back of my throat.
Her scent is clinging to my fingertips. No longer filling the air, I should be relieved. Instead, I’m forcing my body away from the door to make some distance.
I’ll deal with her later. Another time, once I can think without the start of an ache forming in the pit of my stomach.
“This is bullshit!” Thumping my fists against the door for what feels like the twentieth time. My hands throb, begging for relief. After trying to unlock the door using the pad on the side by pushing as many buttons as I can in a rush of fury and getting nowhere, I’m left panting.
Leaning against the door, my shoulders tense tight like a rope being tugged harsh enough to snap even the thickest of lines. Once the tension breaks, I’m left with a slight tremble.
None of this is right. I shouldn’t be here. Not in some prison.
I should be dead. The moment I stepped off my ship, the freak should’ve wrapped his fingers around my throat and snapped my neck without putting any thought into it.
I didn’t expect him to be so big. Those broad shoulders and thick fists promise a strength I’ve never known a creature to have.
The rest of his kind will kill without a second thought. Not him. He simply played with me like a predator plays with its next meal. Then he walked me about his ship like a pet. From carrying me on one of those strong shoulders to keeping me within his reach even when I did walk on my feet.