Page 22 of Kings of Violence
“Surprise?” Nikolai ventures tentatively.
I look incredulously up at him.
He hurries to go on. “She’s helping us with an… investigation.”
That doesn’t explain the pictures of her cunt or the brand. I highly doubt she’d have agreed to either unless it was under duress, but there’s only so much Nikolai can tell me now.
There are no words to describe just how often I’ve thought of Sierra Winters while I was locked up. Most of the time I was having a lonely wank, I was imagining wrecking her. Sometimes I’d include Kotya and Nikolai in my fantasies, but Sierra was the star. I’ve come up with so many different ways I could torment her, fuck her, absolutely ruin her.
Maybe if her brother Sean hadn’t told me he’d kill me if I laid a single hand on her, maybe if he hadn’t screwed me over and landed me in jail for showing the slightest bit of interest in her, I would have gotten over her.
Instead, my desires had festered. Who else was I going to think about in here, where the only people around me are ugly-ass men with broken noses and scarred-up faces?
“You fucked her without me?” I growl at Nikolai. “What the fuck. You just decided she wasoursbut you didn’t even ask me?”
“It wasn’t something we planned,” Nikolai protests in a rush, though he at least has the grace to look abashed. “An opportunity to recruit her came up, and we took it. She needed to learn her place quickly.”
“So much for us being a team,” I lash out. “Fucking hell. You could have given me a heads up before you started fucking our enemy.”
My obsession.
Fuck. They don’t know how much I’ve coveted her. I kept it a secret, because it’s not like I could act on it while in prison. Before, when we were still on semi decent terms with the Winters, I’d thought about approaching Petrov and seeing if he could negotiate to have Sierra given to… well, probably not me. But Kotya, at least, and Kotya would have shared.
Kotya could have filled her up, made her belly swell, and made beautiful children with her.
“We are a team!” Nikolai says, running a hand through his hair. “We took pictures so you could see. We told her about you. She is nervous about meeting you.”
I highly doubtnervousis the right word for how she feels.
“She just rolled over for you?” I ask, trying to tamp down on my anger. “She’s a fucking whore slut who spreads her legs for every man who looks at her?”
Nikolai scoffs, and I can see him choosing his words carefully, aware as I am of cameras and listening devices. “She understands her place in our household. You will see, Yura.”
I know I should be glad about this turn of events. When I get out of here in six days—not even a week!—I’ll get to wreck her pussy like I’ve always dreamed of.
But they started without me. They took Sierra Winters and branded her and they didn’t even bother to ask me first.
Out of sight, out of mind.
“Whatever,” I say with a scoff. I slide the pictures back to Nikolai via the little drawer. “Anything else I need to know about? You all moved house? Got a pet dog?”
“The only pet we got is the one we will share with you.” He pauses, though, admitting, “Things have changed over the past two years, but nothing is unrecognizable. And if you want a dog, we will get one for you, but I think our new… acquisition is better than a mutt.”
“I didn’t say I wanted a fucking dog,” I growl back.
My anger comes through in my voice, and the guard in the back corner takes notice.
“Is there a problem, Yashin? Or do I need to cut your call short?” the guard calls out. The other inmates who are taking their calls turn to look at me.
I resist the urge to flip the guard off. I’ve got to stay on my best behavior if I’m going to get out of here in a week. It goes against everything I stand for, and I’m tempted to mouth off at the guardanyway, but now I know there’s something extra waiting for me when I get out.
“Everything’s fine,” I answer in my accented English. “He just told me my bitch ex slept with my brother.”
The guard eyes me, and I can tell he’s wondering if that’s really what Nikolai said. He obviously doesn’t care enough to question me, though, and he shrugs before going back to observing the other prisoners.
Nikolai snorts, but then his expression gets more serious. “Yura, are you really upset with us? We didn’t think you’d mind us testing her out.”
“I’m not upset,” I lie.