Page 35 of Kings of Violence
I have to watch my teeth, working my jaw open more as Konstantin plunges his cock into my mouth over and over again. This just keeps getting worse, somehow, and I almost wish they’d just fuck me and be done with it instead of forcing me to participate in what they’re doing.
Yuri grabs my hair and goes to stand behind me, the way Konstantin had done before. I can’t see him anymore, but I can feel his fingers tensing and relaxing in my hair, hinting at pain but not going farther.
“You really did mark her,” Yuri says with a strange tone in his voice. “Without me.” He reaches down to tug at the shirt I’m wearing.
“We can mark her again,” Nikolai says, but even he sounds uncertain. “You can tattoo her with your name.” He adds something in quick Russian while Konstantin just fucks my face, driving his cock into my throat on the downstroke and coming back up to allow me to breathe.
Yuri argues back in Russian, then he pulls hard on the shirt to free it from the make-shift belt. He exposes my breasts, and with them, the awful mark that’s healing but is still red and tender.
“Kotya, this isourmark. I’m part of this too,” Yuri growls. “But go on. Mark her even more.”
Konstantin groans and shakes his head. “She’ll swallow me along with both of you.”
I whine, not wanting to swallow even more of their cum. At the same time, if it makes this over with sooner, I’ll deal with it.
Like I have a choice either way.
Nikolai makes an annoyed sound, but I can’t see him beyond Konstantin.
Konstantin’s movements get more erratic and I brace myself for that last flood of bitter liquid. Before that happens, though, Yuri suddenly pulls me back.
The cum that’s been in my mouth sloshes out, right as Konstantin comes. His semen splatters all over my face.
I let out a disgusted sob.
“Yura!” Konstantin complains, but he grips his cock and aims it so that he keeps spraying over me.
I try to pull back even more, to avoid getting more of that cum on my face, but Yuri holds me in place. I want to speak — to beg, maybe, for this to be over — but I don’t want to taste this anymore.
“Marked,” Yuri says as he rubs my chin, like he’s trying to really grind the cum into my skin. “Our whore.”
“Yes.Ours,” Nikolai emphasizes. “That mark means all of us. Our cum on her… Was she a good present after all?”
Yuri lets go of me and goes to sit on the bed. His fierce gaze is still on me. “She’s fine, I guess. Cheap whore. But at least she’s hot.”
Nikolai snorts. “We wouldn’t have taken her if she hadn’t been hot.” I think it’s him who pats my head. I keep my eyes closed, not wanting any of Konstatin’s cum to drip down into my eyes. “Just think, zaya. You’d either be free or dead if you were ugly. Too bad you’re beautiful.”
Konstantin makes a derisive sound and zips himself up. “Don’t lie. She’d be dead.”
“It would’ve been more fun to make her think she’d have had a chance,” Nikolai grumbles. “Open your eyes. Look up at us.”
I have to wipe at my eyes, trying to get their disgusting semen off my face, but I look up at them.
My tormentors.
My captors.
Konstantin pats me on the head. “Don’t worry, Sierrochka. I said I would not kill you if you did as we asked. I won’t go back on my word—unlike your family.”
I flinch, bowing my head slightly.
There’s nothing I can say to make things better.