Page 41 of Kings of Violence
I want her attention onme.
“I just thought it would be interesting. I mean, not the kind you have.” She shudders, glancing over at my collection again. “But just regular ones.”
I point to the more normal looking toys on the coffee table. “There you go. Pick your favorite of those and you can show me and my camera just how you’d play with them.”
Sierra goes back to glaring at me, that moment of vulnerability lost.
“None of them,” she mutters, but she looks carefully through my collection. She holds one of them up, though, quirking a brow as she asks, “Is this a prostate massager?”
“How do you know what a prostate massager looks like?” I counter. I head back to her side and snap a few pictures of her picking up toys. “Your gay brother share his porn sites with you?”
Sierra suddenly turns beet red. “He didn’t share them, no. He was very closeted.”
I mull over how she worded that. “He didn’t share them… but you saw them anyway. Did he leave his computer open on a porn site? You clicked through to an auto-fill when you used his computer?” Then I remember how she’s a hacker, and I guess, “You snooped on his computer. You checked all of his browsing history.”
“I regretted it after,” she admits, putting a hand over her mouth. “I did not need to see what was in his search history.”
Curious little rabbit. “You know curiosity killed the cat, don’t you?” I ask, gesturing for her to remove her hands from in front of her face.
“And satisfaction brought it back,” she retorts stubbornly. “There’s nothing wrong with curiosity.”
“There is around here,” I tell her, lowering the camera as I give her a more serious look. “Don’t try to go snooping through Kotya or Yura’s things.”
She’d probably end up dead if she tried to look through Yuri’s, but then… I doubt any of the important things are in English, and I’m willing to bet my cock on her not speaking Russian.
I point to the toys again. “Okay, pick your favorite vibrator or dildo so we can get the good shots.”
Letting out a little huff, she finally picks up a small vibrator.
“That’s all?” I ask, disappointed. “You don’t even want to shove something in your cunt?”
“No,” she says, looking down at the little purple silicone vibrator that she’s chosen. “This one’s fine.”
“What are you going todowith it?” I look back at the table, which has so many more interesting options.
“I’m pretty sure you’re going to make me use it on myself,” she says.
“How intuitive of you,” I drawl. “Yes. But why that little tiny thing? You enjoyed our cocks. Are you wishing it was your ex-boyfriend’s?”
“No!” Sierra says with so much vehemence that I actually take a step back. “No,” she repeats more calmly. “I just only like playing with… with my clit. I prefer it to penetration.”
“Do that, then,” I say, raising the camera again. “Turn it on and press it against your clit. Legs spread wide so your cunt is on display too.”
“What are you going to do with these pictures?” she asks.
“Look at them,” I say with a smirk. “Probably frame them. They’ll look hot. I won’t jack off to them, though. Why use my hand when I can use your cunt?”
“Every time I think you can’t get more disgusting, you prove me wrong,” she mutters.
I quirk a brow, holding the camera up. “Well?”
She slowly spreads her legs, biting her lips as she brings the vibrator to her clit over the fishnet stockings.
“Inside the stockings,” I tell her, amused. “Come on. You’re acting like you’ve never masturbated before.” While the thought of teaching her might be hot, I highly doubt she’s that innocent.
She scowls at me, but she pulls the waistband out so she can slide her hand and the vibrator under the fishnets. I love the way the stocking obscures things just enough to force a second glance to see what’s going on.
I get on my knees in front of the couch and get the camera lined up for the shots. When her thigh starts to get in the way, I push it away.