Page 46 of The Enemy Plot
Her eyes narrow. “Wait a second. It’s because of me, isn’t it? You don’t want to date her because you think you have to take care of me or whatever?”
“I do have to take care of you,” I say, then quickly add, “Not that it’s an obligation. I’m happy to do it. We just need to find our footing.”
She scoffs. “That’s a load of bul—”
“Language!” I snap, my eyes wide.
“It is, though. Having me around doesn’t mean you need to put your life on hold. Plus, I like you way better when you’re with her.”
With that, she stomps into her room, slamming the door with a loud bang. I guess that’s one way to put anend to a conversation. Also, when did Lola become so clairvoyant and mature? I didnotsee that coming.
I try to push Alice from my thoughts, but her face, her laugh, her perfume, it all mixes with Lola’s words and the feelings that surge inside me when we’re together. It’s so complex, so strong, I don’t even know how to process it.
So instead, I connect my headphones to my phone, turn on some music, and go down to the bar. Since the lake trip, I’ve been doing specials and happy hours to bring in more customers. I need to get things ready.
Before I know it, it’s already time to open. And as I step behind the bar, I spot Alice walking past on the sidewalk. My breath catches in my lungs. She’s gorgeous. She brought her brown hair up in a ponytail, freeing her neck. My skin tingles at the memory of kissing that very neck. So perfect, so soft.
She must sense me looking, or maybe she just wanted to see if I was inside, because she turns my way, and our eyes meet. Hurt. That’s what I sense in her beautiful eyes, even from this far away. I feel it in full force. Or is the hurt coming from me?
Because judging by her outfit, I’m pretty sure she’s going on a date. She’s wearing a dark-blue skirt with a black sweater, and she has full makeup on. Not that she needs any of that to look breathtaking.
I should burst out of the door, go up to her, and tell her how stupid and wrong I was. That we can give this a shot. That I can have both her and Lola in my life.
But before I can command my body to move, she breaks eye contact and hurries away, her pace quick and determined.
It’s too late now. She’s off to another date. What if she spends the evening with a total jackass again, one who breaks her confidence in love? Or worse, what if it’s a good date, and she finds someone who can love her back? Though I already know that no one will ever treat her the way she deserves. The way I would.
Awkward is Fine
I really don’t want to go on this date. Seeing Deacon right now is like a stab to the heart, and I feel as though I haven’t taken a real breath since we left that lake. I’ve been thinking about him constantly. And now, I have to go out with Hector and pretend I’m interested in a relationship when another man has taken up all the space in my heart. On top of that, I’m in a massive reading slump, so I won’t have a good book to comfort me when I get home. Now,I’m sulking even more, because I sound like a total grump. Which only makes me think of Deacon.
My life is a mess. That man hasruinedme.
No, it’s okay. I reactivated the dating app for good reason. I need to put myself out there again. It’s the only way I’ll be able to forget him. Shaking my head, I channel all the confidence I can muster as I emerge from the subway station. I’m not going to let that mishap take me down. If things didn’t work out between Deacon and me, it’s because they weren’t supposed to. It’s fate. Going out with Hector tonight is the right choice. He doesn’t seem particularly interesting, but the fact that heisinterested in me is a huge draw. Beggars can’t be choosers. Plus, I might be pleasantly surprised and have a good time. We’re going mini-golfing. Who doesn’t like mini golf? It’s the perfect date setting, and it means I don’t have to sit through another grueling dinner.
I arrive near the entrance to the mini golf course and notice him right away. Good start—he looks exactly like his picture. He’s dressed in black jeans and a dark-green sweater, and his blond hair is pushed back in a way that reminds me of De—no one. He looks good. Period.
“Hi,” I say, sounding as cheerful as I can. “I’m Alice, nice to meet you.”
He smiles warmly. “Likewise. I’m Hector.”
We stare at each other for a second, then both chuckle.
“It’s a little awkward, I guess,” I say, adjusting my brooch. That’s the plus side of being back from—I mean, being back. I can wear my beloved brooches again, and this one says, “Cool People Read” with a book and a pair of sunglasses.
He rubs the back of his neck. “I hate first dates.” He breathes another chuckle. “But we’ll have a good time. Shall we?”
“Sure.” I nod, following him inside.
Once he pays for our tickets, we grab our putters and balls, then proceed to the first fairway. The theme is Europe, and each hole represents a country.
“This seems like a fun place,” I say as we walk to England, the first country on our European tour. “Have you ever been here before?”
“I have.” He smiles as we wait for our turn behind a family of four. “I used to come here all the time with Eloise, my ex.”