Page 50 of The Enemy Plot
“Wait, what does that have to do with Lola?” Of course she had to blab about my love life to the shrink. But myheart jolts at the thought of me having a love life. With Alice.
“Lola is fond of her, and she says you’re happier because of her. While I can’t be sure that’s the reason, you do look happy today.”
I scrunch my eyebrows. “How so?”
“Well, for starters, you’ve been smiling ever since you came in.”
I touch my mouth and sure enough, the corners are pulled up. How can I smile without realizing it?
“It’s a good thing, Deacon,” he says with a chuckle. “I’m glad to see you doing better. And evidently, that’s had a positive impact on your relationship with Lola, so it’s a win-win.”
“Yeah.” I nod. “Alice is great with Lola. We really had fun together at the lake.” My eyes fall to the floor. “And, um, we passed by my grandma’s house, then went to visit her and my mom at the cemetery.”
“Oh, how did that go?”
“It wasn’t easy.” I swallow hard. “I still feel guilty, but I’m working on it. Alice helped with that.”
“I’m glad she helped you. And I’m glad you’re finding ways to process your pain and grief.”
“Me too.”
For so long, there’s been this huge weight on my shoulders, and while it’s not completely gone, the burden is lighter, and life just got a little bit easier.
I’m waiting for Alice at the door to her shop, and as soon as I lay eyes on her, my breath catches in my chest. She looks amazing. Her hair flows naturally over her shoulders, and she’s wearing a silky-looking purple sweater dress. Not even that small bump on her head can spoil her beauty.
“Wow,” I say, scratching the back of my neck.
She looks down, agitating her hands. “Is this okay? You didn’t say anything about where we were going, so . . .”
I take her hand, and she meets my gaze. “You’re perfect.”
A blush spreads over her cheeks. “Thanks. And are you sure it’s fine closing the bar? We could have gone another time.”
I swat a hand. “Don’t worry about it. There’s no game tonight.” And my business can handle a night off without much problem. Game nights are such a hit they cover for the slow ones.
As we start walking, I smile when I notice her brooch. It says, “Books are my love language.” And without knowing it, she chose the perfect one for our date.
“Will you tell me where we’re going?” she asks, her eyes teasing with eagerness.
“Nope.” I chuckle. “It’s a surprise.”
We continue our stroll for about fifteen minutes, until we reach Boundless Books.
Alice stops dead in her tracks. “We’re going to a bookstore?”
A confident smile builds on my lips. “Yes.”
She stares at the building. “For our date.”
“Yes,” I repeat, this time, with a little less confidence. “I planned a scavenger hunt, and the loser buys dinner. Winner’s choice.”
“Are you serious?” she asks, her eyes bulging.
I scratch my head. “I thought it would be fun, but if you don’t—”
“It’s amazing,” she gushes, placing a hand on her heart. “It’s the absolute dream date.”
I smile. “Told you I knew what you liked.”