Page 43 of The Fake Script
“That’s probably best.”
We retreat back toward the beach, and I ask Cillian to come and pick us up. Unfortunately, the cluster of fans realized I wasn’t coming their way and are now crossing the street to follow us.
My heart quickens. “Stay behindme, okay?”
“Auston, Auston,” they call out as they encroach on us, and I glance around for an exit strategy. But there is none. We’re trapped. Well, we could make a run for it or jump in the water, but I’m not sure even that would work.
“Hi!” I wave to the clamoring fans, hands high in the air so they can see me. “Thank you so much for your support,” I yell, and some of them stop to listen. Others keep pressing toward me. “I’ll sign your posters if you all stay calm, okay? No pushing.”
The fans in the front are ecstatic, bobbing their heads in agreement like their lives depend on it.
I don’t think signing autographs right now is a good idea, but I also doubt we can safely wait for Cillian if I don’t entertain them.
I extend my hand to sign the first poster, and a few fans start telling me how much they love me, what their favorite movie is, and that they adored me in that part. The stories are always the same, but I enjoy hearing them. I’m just more at ease when I’m not glancing back at Emma every five seconds to make sure she’s okay.
I try to focus on the fans when I notice a blonde girl shoving people out of the way to make her way forward, a determined look. I keep telling the crowd that everyone will have their turn if they don’t push, but there’s always someone who doesn’t get the message and ruins it for everybody else.
“Hey, you!” Emma yells, stepping in next to me. “Beat it. He said no pushing.”
I turn to Emma, and her expression is dead serious. A mean scowl wrinkles her forehead, though it dissolves when I glance at her, trying to contain my smile. This girl is one tough cookie. Still, if anyone takes so much as a step toward her, I’ll forget everything about PR and neutralize them.
“Who are you?” the girl growls, throwing her a fiery glare. My blood freezes as I flit my gaze to Emma.
“Someone who’ll make you eat your teeth if you don’t behave,” Emma says, her eyes narrowing.
The girl does a double take but says nothing. Good. Why anyone would try messing with Emma is a mystery to me.
The blare of a car horn pulls me out of focus, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I see Cillian in the driver’s seat. He parts the crowd with the car and pulls up next to us.
“Get in and lock the door,” I tell Emma as Cillian climbs out of the car to control the agitated crowd.
With a nod, she steps into the car. I’m glad she doesn’t argue.
“Everyone take a step back,”Cillian bellows in his deep voice, and they oblige.
“I’m fine signing a few more,” I say to him. The more posters I sign now, the better the chances they’ll leave me alone for the rest of the trip.
“Okay.” Cillian nods, planting himself firmly next to me as I continue taking selfies and signing autographs. I steal a glance at Emma, making sure she’s still safe, but she’s in the car, scrolling on her phone.
Relaxing, I talk to a few more fans and then wave goodbye to them.
“All right, lad. Let’s go,” Cillian says, gunning for the driver’s seat.
“I’ll drive,” I say in a rush.
He frowns but lets me take the wheel. When I slide into the driver’s seat, I notice Emma’s shoulders dropping in the rear-view mirror. Glancing up, she offers me a grateful smile. And with one look, I try to tell her that she has nothing to worry about. That I’ll always take care of her.
A Captivating Plot
“Gosh, I’m so sorry,” Auston says to me for the hundredth time as he receives the boxes of takeout from Robyn. “I was supposed to treat you to dinner at a nice restaurant, and now we’re eating fast food in the hotel room.
I smile. “Don’t worry about it. Indoors is where I thrive, remember? I don’t get out much, so this is perfect for me. Plus, I love fast food even more than seafood.”
He winces. “Really?”