Page 47 of The Fake Script
A loud knock slams the connecting door. “Hey!” Madison’s muffled voice calls, her tone dripping with annoyance. “Can you keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep.”
We explode into uncontrollable laughter—really loud laughter—and she bangs on the door again. I flip over to laugh into my pillow instead.
“Sorry,” Auston yells, but he laughs even more.
“Shh,” I say. “We have to go to sleep.”
And I don’t know how much longer we stay like that, burying our laughter in our pillows, but I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Especially when there are no books involved.
The Kissing Talk
When I open my eyes, I feel even more tired than I did when I fell asleep. Why did I get so little rest last night? Movement on the other side of the bed shifts the mattress, and everything becomes crystal clear.
Emma Sterling is in my bed.
“Sleep well?” she asks as I roll onto my back. She’s still lying next to me, but her eyes are open.
I grin. “Like aBobby. And you?”
She presses her lips, but she can’t contain her laughter for long. It’s loud and unrestrained, and I almost hope it wakes Madison up.
“Sorry,” I say. “Couldn’t help it. Besides, we went to bed laughing. Might as well wake up laughing too.” I could easily swap laughing for kissing, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. My grandma used to say that I’d know I found the right girl when we spent more time laughing than talking. She might have been onto something.
“Best way to wake up for sure,” she says, sitting up. “Can I use the bathroom first, or do you need to go?”
“Ladies first.”
We both get ready, using the bathroom in turn, before heading downstairs for breakfast. Thankfully, since we took over the entire hotel, there are no other guests, and I can eat with the crew instead of hiding out in my room.
“Should we go check on Madison?” Emma asks as we’re sitting down at a table with Robyn and Cillian. “Everyone’s here but her. Maybe we were too loud last night, and she had to take some sleeping pills.”
Cillian snorts in his coffee, and Robyn’s eyes grow as wide as the donut she’s eating.
“Laughing,” I quickly correct. “We were laughing, and Madison got upset.”
Cillian throws me a knowing look,and I shut it down with a glare.
“Oh, she’ll be fine,” Robyn says. “Kira just brought her breakfast. You know how she is. She doesn’t mingle with the peasants.”
“What?” Emma frowns.
I scratch my forehead. “Yeah, Madison doesn’t really hang out with the crew.”
“But they’re all people, just like you and her.”
“That’s how I see it. Actually, they’re even more important to the movie than actors. There’s so much more that goes on behind the screen. The crew is wonderful, and I’m always glad to see familiar faces when I shoot a new movie.”
“Right. It’s like an extended family,” Emma says, nodding in understanding.
“Exactly. But Madison prefers to keep to herself.”
“Huh. Well, her loss,” Emma says, standing up. “I’m going to grab more coffee. Who wants one?”
We all shake our heads, so she goes alone. Cillian immediately leans forward, clearly wanting to talk about her, but I throw him a pointed look. Robyn doesn’t know the full extent of my past relationship with Emma, or how I feel about her. No need to display my unrequited feelings to the world.