Page 51 of The Fake Script
Robyn walks past, and I grab her by the arm. “Is that bottle of champagne real or a prop?” I ask, my voice desperate. I’ll need something stronger than coffee if I want to make it through the day.
She throws me a questioning look. “Um, it’s fake. But do you need me to get you some? Or maybe something else? You don’t look so good.”
I rub the back of my neck. That’s when I realize I’m sweating. “No, I’m fine, thanks. I think it’s just too warm out here for me. I’m going back to the room. Can you tell Auston?”
“Sure,” she peeps from behind me as I’m leaving. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she shouts, and I just give her a thumbs up as I practically sprint toward the building.
“Emma?” Auston asks, stepping out of his tent as I hustle past. “What’s going on?”
I screech to a halt. “Oh, nothing,” I say, forcing a smile. “I’m going to the room for a while, if that’s okay? It’s just so hot out here.” I tug on the collar of my shirt. “You know me. Bookworm. Better off inside with the AC.”
He watches me, eyebrows drawn together. “Um, okay. See you later.”
“Uh-huh. Absolutely.” I flash him a smile. “Just going to catch up on some reading.”
As if I could possibly read right now. No, I’m heading straight to the spa. I saw on the brochure that they have cold baths and even a snow room. I need to escape the heat. ASAP.
KitKats and Movie Night
After spending the entire day cooling down at the spa, then in my room with the AC set on low, I feel a lot better. I haven’t seen Auston since this morning, and I’m dreading the moment he comes back to the room. I don’t know how to handle flirting. I’ve read about it, but experiencing it firsthand? That’s a totally different ballgame.
My phone chimes—a group chat notification.
Hey Emz, how are things going in Massachusetts?
Bonjour, mon amie.
Hey guys! I’m good. It’s really hot over here, but I’m in the room now, chilling in the AC. Movie is going great. What’s up with you two?
We’re still in Paris.
And still jet-lagged. Eleven p.m., and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep anytime soon.
Same here.
But it’s fun. I love it here. We went to Notre Dame and the Louvre today!
And they have some cute bookstores. We took pics. We even found the French adaptation forVelvet Kisses.