Page 88 of The Fake Script
“There are more clips like this, Emma. Every time someone asked about my personal relationships, it always came down to you.”
My throat goes dry. “I’m confused.”
His forehead presses against mine, and my eyes flutter closed. “It was always you, Emma. How can I leave when I’ve finally found the love of my life again?”
At those words, my heart bursts into a crackling firework display. It’s like that scene at the end of a book or movie when everything is finally right again. He loves me. I knew he was serious about us, but he hadn’t yet uttered those magic words. You know how you get those tingly feelings when the character pronounces their undying love? Well, the feeling is a thousand times stronger in real life. “I love you, Auston. It was always you, for me too.”
Tilting my chin up, he pulls me closer. His brown eyes are shining with joy, and I love being responsible for it. “We’ve found each other again, and we’re not going anywhere.”
Auston’s cologne envelops my senses, transporting me into my own personal heaven. It smells like forever—my forever. And there’s no one else I’d rather have as my co-star in this movie. It was always clear that Auston was my first love. But little did I know, he would also be my last.
Today is Valentine’s Day. In years past, I would have been all, “Ugh. Who cares? It’s a stupid commercial holiday,” and I’d spend the day with as many book boyfriends as I could fit onto my shelf.
But this time, I want to spend every second with my boyfriend. It’s been six months since we reconnected, and life couldn’t be sweeter.
The girls and I have decorated the store window with heart banners and signs, and we’re not the only ones. The entire street is in a romantic mood. From Mrs. Edibam’s flower shop to Deacon’s bar and the Rise & Grind coffee shop.
The smell of freshly brewed coffee greets me when I enter their store, and I know it’s going to be a great day.
“Hey, girls!”
“Hey, Emz,” Mari says. “I was just about to pour your cup.”
I chuckle. She knows me too well.
“Do you want a heart-shaped cupcake too?” Beth asks, placing them in the small window display.
“Oh, they look tasty. Sure, I’ll take one.”
The front door opens, and Aaron Miles struts inside with a big smile. “Ladies, how are you doing?”
“Hey,” Mari says, her face lighting up. She extends her hand, and he gives her a bright pink cup coated with glitter.
“What’s that?” I chuckle, taking a sip of my coffee.
“Oh, you’ve never seen Aaron’s cup?” Beth says with a sly grin.
I shake my head, and Mari turns the cup to show me the other side. His full name is written in sparkly letters.
He shrugs. “Lost a bet.”
I press my lips together, holding in a laugh.
Mari fills his cup with fresh coffee and hands it back to him. “There you go. See you at home.”
He smiles. “Bye.”
“Wait.” I blink a few times,my eyes shooting to Mari when he leaves. “Home? You guys live together?”
She absently wipes the counter. “Yeah, I thought you knew that.”
I glance at Beth, but she’s busy arranging the cupcakes, not paying attention.
“No, I assumed you lived alone or with your dad.”