Page 4 of Winter Wrangler
“What do we have here?” Devin reaches inside and lifts a pair of my panties.
“Oh my god.” I rush over and snatch them out of his hand. “You did not just do that,” I hiss at him.
“I feel like underwear is something you’d consider a necessity, but if you’d rather not wear any, I won't judge.” The expression he gives me makes me want to kick him in the shin and then kiss him until I can’t breathe. When did he become so annoyingly charming?
“You’re the worst.” I have to fight a laugh. “We’re going to need another rule. No touching my panties.” I slam the drawer shut, and again, he only gives me a smile.
I go back to throwing things into bags, and Devin watches me. His dark eyes are on me the whole time and I know this because I can feel them. I’m starting to wonder if I’ve been reading his glares all wrong this whole time.
As much as I don’t want to, I can't resist the urge to glance in his direction a few times. This is such a terrible idea. I already have a weird crush on him. Now I’m going to be living under the same roof as him? Oh yeah, and I agreed to follow him around all day.
I had hoped that spending more time with him would help me get over my crush, but after the past few hours, I've realized that's not the case. Devin is growing on me.
“Can I take these down for you?” he asks, motioning toward the two bags I’ve packed already.
“That would be great.” He grabs them for me, and the second he’s out the door, I rush back over to my dresser with my last bag and shove my bras and panties inside.
I’m not one to regularly get dolled up, but I have a serious thing for pretty bras and panties. It’s like my own special secret that no one knows about. They also make me feel sexy. When I spend my days dressed in either my waitressing uniforms or an apron, I need a little something special.
“You’re moving already?” I turn around at my cousin's question. I didn’t know he was home.
“You said I only had a few weeks,” I remind him.
I’m still pissed at him about him kicking me out. I never would have agreed to rent the space if I knew he'd toss me out so easily. Honestly, it’s my own fault. I know how he can be, but I always hoped he’d do better.
“Sorry.” Kent runs his fingers through his hair and gives me a sheepish expression. That may work on the ladies, but not on me.
“You’re so full of shit.” I zip my bag up. “And you know what, Kent? You turned into your father after all."
That sheepish expression falls away. “That’s a low fucking blow.”
“Might be.” I shrug. “But it’s the truth.”
All the Anderson men are freaking jerkoffs. I hoped Kent wouldn’t turn out the same, but here we are. He hated his father for how he treated his mom, but here he is doing the same shit.
“You know what, I’m done being nice. Make sure you get all your shit tonight or it’ll be out on the curb come morning.” Kent turns to stomp away to further show how pissed off he is. In reality, he looks like a child throwing a temper tantrum. I guess he doesn't appreciate when the truth gets thrown in his face.
Before he can storm off, he comes up short, almost running right into Devin. “Do you want to try saying that again, to me?” Devin challenges.
“Who, ah, who are you?”
I snort a laugh at Kent’s stuttering while I watch this play out.
“I’m with her.” He nods in my direction. Why do those three words sound so damn hot?
“This is between family, bro.” Kent takes a few steps back, but there’s nowhere for him to go. Devin occupies the entire doorway, essentially blocking his departure.
I cover my face with my hand due to secondhand embarrassment. Did he really call Devin bro?
“Nah, I think it’s between you and me." Devin steps forward, and Kent retreats, trying to create more space between them. I can’t blame him because the expression on Devin’s face is scary.
“I’m sorry.” Kent holds his hands up. “I was pissed.” He glances over to me. “Tell him, Joy.”
I roll my eyes and then look at Devin. “He’s not worth it.”
“But you’re worth it,” Devin tosses right back at me.
Okay, wow. A rush of emotion I don’t want to deal with washes over me.