Page 3 of Hot & Bothered
“You do know there are two other people in the vehicle, right?” Oona asked nervously as they all migrated toward the door.
“Don’t look in the back seat then,” Rayma teased.
Peyton was still chuckling at her best friend’s sass when Pasha closed the door and it was just the two of them in the house. “I thought that woman would never leave. Or shut up.”
Peyton smiled. Even though Pasha sounded frustrated, she really wasn’t. They all adored Rayma and accepted her filthy mind and filter-free brain with love. She was unique and wonderful and had the most enormous heart.
They got to work wrapping up the rest of the food and putting it into smaller containers. Then they returned all the living room furniture to its original spots and Peyton threw on some yellow rubber gloves and started washing dishes, since the dishwasher was already full.
“You and Jace were sucking face pretty hard out there,” Pasha said, sidling up next to Peyton to start drying the dishes.
Peyton’s cheeks grew warm. She was a redhead with a fair complexion and more freckles than the beach had sand, so she knew she’d be blushing and the astronauts on the space station could probably see it. “I like him.”
“I’d be worried if you didn’t, given how far down your throat he had his tongue.”
Peyton focused on scrubbing a big glass casserole dish. “Yes, well …”
“Hey, no judgement from me. You go, girl. He’s hot and single, why not?”
“I’ve had a really bad streak of luck when it comes to guys, so I’m a little gun shy.”
“Maybe he’s the streak breaker? Or maybe he’s Mr. Funtime but not Mr. Longtime. Either way, you two have chemistry, so I say, explore it. What could it hurt?”
“Besides my heart?” Peyton said, more to herself than Pasha.
“Then don’t let your heart be part of it. Keep it a twosome rather than a threesome. Go in for the orgasms and keep the rest locked behind a titanium door.”
“Because that workedsowell for you, eh?” came Heath’s voice behindthem.
Peyton spun around so fast she sprayed water across Pasha and Heath from her rubber gloves. Thankfully, Jace wasn’t with Heath. He was outside folding up chairs.
Pasha smirked. “Just because I fell in love with my fuck buddy doesn’t mean everyone is as weak as me. In all honesty, it was because you knocked me up.”
Heath snorted, came up behind her and pinched her ass. “Something tells me it was more than that.”
Pasha’s shrug was cheeky as she picked up a big casserole dish to dry it. “You’ll never know.”
Shaking his head and smiling, Heath focused on Peyton. “You getting a ride home with Jace?”
Peyton nodded. “Yeah, apparently, he only had a couple of beers all night, so he’s good to drive.”
“Haven’t met someone who can rival me for eating, but I think I may have found my match. We’re talking about having a wing-off.”
“Like where you eat as many chicken wings as you can until you puke?” Pasha asked in disgust.
Heath’s dark blue eyes widened as he nodded. “Yeah.”
Peyton and Heath both snorted.
Jace came into the house. “I just leaned the folded chairs against the deck there. Is that okay?”
“It’s perfect,” Heath said. “There’s no point taking down the tents now when it’s so freaking cold. We’ll freeze our nuts off. But thanks for your help with the rest.”
“No problem.” Jace fought off a yawn.