Page 37 of Hot & Bothered
She smiled at him. “I’m just glad you’re okay. I’m glad he didn’t hurt you.”
“I don’t think he wanted to hurt me. I don’t think he wanted to hurt anyone. He’s just a broken man. A victim of a broken system and desperate to find the one person who meant something to him.”
Peyton nodded. “I’m going to look into some resources for her, see what I can do. See what kind of subsidy and help I can get her—or both of them.” Then she frowned. “Whatisgoing to happen to Tiberius?”
“I’m not going to press charges or anything. He didn’t hurt me—or you. I’ll make sure he’s released—but with conditions—and that he and Michaela are reunited.”
They resumed their tight hug. Her cheek to his chest, his chin on her head. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you, Jace Shepherd.”
“Oh, I’m head over fucking heels in love with you, Peyton Doucet.”
She squeezed him tighter. “Good thing our zodiac signs are compatible. I’m not sure I could love you if you were a cancer.”
He snorted and started to back her up toward his bedroom. “Then it’s a good thing I’m a Libra, huh?”
She fell to the bed, and he collapsed on top of her. “It’s averygood thing you’re a Libra.”
“I’m your Libra.”
“You sure are. And I don’t plan on letting you go.” Then, just to drive home that point, she locked her legs around his lower back and kissed him crazy.
Two years later …
The front door opened to Jace and Peyton’s condo. Peyton was busy on her computer, sitting on the couch, reading over the paper she was writing.
Jace had been called out early that morning—even though it was his day off—on an E.R.T. call.
Not a big deal.
It was par for the course when you were with a police officer who was also a member of the Emergency Response Team. He wouldn’t always be on the team, but for now, this was just their life.
She was busy getting her master’s degree in counseling anyway, so it wasn’t like she wasn’t busy herself.
A kiss landed on the top of her head. “Hey babe.”
She smiled and glanced up at her handsome boyfriend. “Hey yourself. Everything turn out okay?”
Jace’s eyes were tired. “Loooooong stand-off with the guy. Hours.”
She frowned. “How’d it end?”
He shook his head. “Not great. Ended up taking his own life. But he spared his kids, so …” He lifted one broad shoulder. “I guess it’s a win. Even though those kids are going to need a fuck-ton of therapy after what they went through. Then they watched their father kill himself.”
“Jesus.” Leaning forward, she set her laptop down on the coffee table and welcomed him beside her and into her arms. It was after calls like this that Jace really needed a soft place to land. She was glad she could be that for him.
They moved in together about a year ago. Only, they quickly realized they both came with a lot ofstuff—so they bought a two-bedroom unit in her building when one became available. They’d been in their bigger place for about four months and loved it. It still had a view of the harbor. It was just a couple of floors lower than her first place.
He hugged her and buried his face in her neck. “You smell good.”
“My parents invited us over for dinner tonight, but I can cancel if you’re too tired.”
He made a dismissive noise in his throat. “No, we need to go.”
“They’ll understand, Jace. They get it.”
He lifted his head and something mysterious twinkled in his blue-hazel eyes. “They invited us over for a reason. We have to go.”
Her brows wrinkled. “What reason?”