Page 7 of Hot & Bothered
His expression must have conveyed such because she grinned. “Your ruling planet indicates thewhat. While your ruling house indicates thewhere. So in your case, as a Libra, yourwhatare values, possessions and the relating process. What you want and how you attract it.”
He pressed another kiss to her shoulder. “I think it’s pretty easy to tell what I want.”
Her smiled turned coy. “And your ruling house is thewhere. So in your case, the descendent sign and planets occupying the seventh house tell us about how we select our partners, and describes the partnerships and relationships we seek. Often, we are involuntarily attracted to people whose zodiac signs carry a strong emphasis of the sign in our seventh house.”
He wasn’t really following, but he liked her passion. And he liked the aspect of knowing what he wanted and how he would be attracted to it.
“As a Libra and ruled by Venus, you have a tendency to be indecisive, though, right?”
Yes, yes he could be. As a kid he missed out on several things because he couldn’t make up his mind. He missed the deadline signing up for soccer and lacrosse because he couldn’t decide. He also missed out on a school field trip to a Canuck’s game because he couldn’t make up his mind whether he wanted to go to the game, or skiing with his cousins. He ended up missing out on both.
“And yourquestfor harmony can lead to analysis paralysis, where you justdon’tdecide because neither choice will strike the right balance.” That was also true. “You’re also a serial monogamist. You’re in relationships for the long-game.One-night stands and playing the field aren’t your jam. You like to be organized, and that kind of lifestyle doesn’t fit with your need for harmony and balance.”
That made him crack a smile. “You been talking to my mother or something?”
“No. I just know a lot about astrology. And I know evenmoreabout my compatible star signs.”
“So you’re a Gemini?”
“And that’s the twins? So do you have like two personalities or something?”
Her chuckle was a practiced one because she’d probably heard his lame line a hundred times before. He cringed at that thought. Normally, he was better with the jokes, but that guy at the elevator threw Jace off his game. “More like, I’m the ultimate communicator. My twins are chatty. So am I. Communication isnumero unofor me. I form connections through dialogue. I don’t play games, but I’m playful.”
“Good to know.”
“I’ve got a lot of energy, and I adapt easily to new situations.”
“So far, I’m hearing only good things. What’s a negative trait for a Gemini? There’s got to be at least one.”
She sighed and her eyes turned soft before she glanced away. “We can be gossipy and flirty. Which I am. We can also speak before we think—which is something I’m working hard on.”
“We all have room for improvement somewhere. My indecisiveness for starters.”
“And having so muchenergycan get me into trouble. I’m working on slowing down and enjoying the little things in life a bit more. I get bored and restless easily. Workin’ on that, too. Rayma’s got me joining her yoga class at her gym. It’s in a hot room, so sometimes all I can think about is how freaking hot I am, or how badly I need to wipe the sweat running into my eyes. It keeps me fromthinking about other things. Then there’s breath work and meditation, too. I still struggle with that.”
“Over-active mind?”
Her smile was sweet. “Little bit. If one twin isn’t thinking, the other one is.”
“At least you’re never lonely.”
Her breathy laugh stirred embers of arousal deep in his belly. “Oh, believe me, growing up as an only child, my twins had imaginary friends of their own, so did I. It was a regular ol’ party when I served tea. Everyone interrupting each other, arguing over the Earl Grey and the finger sandwiches served by my stuffed panda toy, Mrs. Fluffbottom.”
Jace snorted and his smile hurt his cheeks. “Mrs. Fluffbottom?”
She nodded. “Yeah. She was a very loyal servant. Wore a black and white maid’s outfit and everything.”
“Aren’t panda’s black and white already?”
She had a single dimple on her right side that came out when she smiled as wide as she was now.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips there. “I’d love to meet Mrs. Fluffbottom one day. Do you think she’d approve of me?” His mouth meandered from her dimple, across her jaw and down her neck as he pushed her forward until her butt hit the window.
“She’s gotten crotchety in her old age, but I know all she’s ever wanted is for me to be happy. I think she’d like you. Especially since you’re a Libra and a man of honor.”
“What do the stars say about Libra’s in the bedroom?” His hands skimmed down her sides, then up to cup her breasts.