Page 51 of Forgotten Fate
What was I doing? I should have just left. I was better than eavesdropping. It was disrespectful and desperate.
And yet, I couldn’t stop myself.
“I will brew something up tonight. But without me there with you, it will only be temporary,” I heard Trybe say. Then something like, “I wish I could come with you, but…I just can’t go back there.”
“I understand,” was Elias’s gentle response.
Where was she talking about? The Forest of Torment? Had she been there too?
“I wish I could help you more…” Trybe said, and the rest I couldn’t make out.
“You’ve offered more than enough,” said Elias. I peeked over and saw Elias place his hand on Trybe’s, and my heart sank. I began to wonder if she felt the same sparks of energy from Elias’s touch that I always did. I attempted to lean over to get a closer look at Trybe’s reaction to his touch, but my head was met with the body of the barmaid, who was carrying a platter of drinks.
As she collided with my head, at least two of the drinks toppled over and spilled all over the floor, and the barmaid let out an unladylike curse. I grabbed the handkerchief they offered with my food and bent down to try to clean up some of the mess.
“I’m so sorry. Please, let me help you.”
The barmaid thanked me, and we wiped up the spill together.
As I stood, I looked over to see Elias and Trybe were staring directly at me, a look of bewilderment on both their faces. “Oh um, hi,” I said, rubbing the back of my head. “I didn’t know you two were here. I was just leaving, actually.”
Other tavern patrons were staring at me now, and I felt my cheeks redden. I wanted nothing more than to run out of there, especially before someone recognized me. So I awkwardly started walking towards the door.
“Wait!” a voice shouted. It wasn’t Elias, but Trybe. She walked over and gently grabbed my hand. “Please stay! I would actually love to get to know you more.” Before I could protest, Trybe led me over to their table and pulled out the chair next to Elias, then sat at her own across from him. I placed myself on the seat she pulled out for me, feeling the heat of Elias at my side.
“Elias has already spoken so highly of you,” she continued. I heard Elias let out an annoyed growl, and I raised my brow. “Well you have,” Trybe said, rolling her eyes at him. She turned back to me. “Tell me about yourself!” Her smile could light up a room.
“This is not the time or place,” Elias said quietly through gritted teeth. I began to wonder how much Elias had told her. Did he tell her who I really was?
“He’s right,” I said shyly. “I can’t say much, in case there are prying ears.”
Trybe nodded in understanding. “You know what? It’s getting late anyway. Why don’t you and Elias come back down to the shop early tomorrow morning and I can give you those archery lessons. I have an important student coming an hour or so after dawn. If you come early enough, you can be gone before his lessons start.”
My discomfort subsided at the topic of archery. “That would bewonderful, actually,” I admitted. Although I knew we shouldn’t stay in Monuvia much longer than we needed to, I couldn’t pass up the offer to be able to put the bow to good use. Elias, surprisingly, did not disagree. Or maybe it wasn’t surprising at all. Maybe he wanted more time with Trybe.
My unease returned.
“Great!” Trybe beamed. “Think you can be there before dawn?”
“I’ll be there as early as I can,” I replied, hoping in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t regret the decision. Part of me wanted archery lessons with Trybe, the other part of me wanted to grab Elias and get away from her and Monuvia as soon as possible. I turned to Elias to see if I could read his expression.
Per usual, he was impassive.
“Wonderful. I’ll just leave you two alone for the evening then.” Trybe grinned at Elias as he gave her a side-eyed glance. “I have some work to do tonight,” she finished, and I swore from the corner of my eye I saw her wink at Elias.
We said goodnight to Trybe, and she left us at the tavern, sitting in awkward silence. Elias ordered some of the stew, and I told him I already ate. While we sat and waited, I twiddled my thumbs. I hated the uneasy feeling between us. Even after last night’s debacle, things were okay. But now that Trybe was added in the mix? Things felt…uncomfortable.
I wanted to ask him more about Trybe, and what they talked about together all day. Or what else they might have done. But, I decided against it. I was tired, irritated, and ready to rest.
Elias finished and paid for his meal, and we walked back to the StarMoon Inn in silence. I crawled into the bed, but didn’t feel Elias do the same. I looked back, and he stood there watching me, contemplating.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking about sleeping onthe floor again,” I joked.
Elias’s muscles relaxed and he half-smiled. He made his way into the bed next to me, but I made sure to turn away and sleep at the very edge, careful not to touch him. I didn’t want whatever the weird energy he emitted when we touched to cause the same desires as the previous night.
He didn’t seem to question the distance between us, and a tinge of sadness filled me. Soon, we both fell asleep without another word.
The next morning, Elias gently woke me before the sun began to rise, telling me we should make our way to Trybe’s shop for archery lessons. While I was excited, I wondered if Elias was too. I wondered if he was just eager to see her again, and the thought made my stomach churn. I ignored it, and we made our way to the Flaming Point before even Sam was up.