Page 27 of Breaking Hudson
A knock at the door catches our attention and a woman walks in. “Hi,” she says kindly. “I am Dr. Kidd. You are Colette?”
“I am,” I smile.
“So, your test came back positive. Based on everything, I am estimating you are around seven weeks pregnant,” she says. “It’s my understanding that you do want an ultrasound today?”
“Uh. Yeah,” I laugh.
“Alright. We will take a look at baby and go from there,” she says. “Who is dad?”
“Good question,” I shrug, and the guys laugh.
“I understand,” she smiles. “It says that you are married, so your husband will not have to fill out anything, but you will need to fill out some things for the other so that they can be privy to your care.”
“No problem,” I say as she hands me a clipboard of papers.
“Follow me down to the ultrasound room and I will get you set up with him,” she says.
Once I finish filling out the paperwork and it is signed, we follow her out of our current room and down the hallway before going into another. It’s darker in this room, but cozy. She hands me a blanket and tells me to undress from the waist down. When she leaves us, Hudson turns to me. “Him?” he asks.
“Yeah, Huddy. Boys can do a girl's job too,” I say jokingly as I get undress the way I was told.
“No, I know that. I just… didn’t expect a man to be the one putting something inside of you today,” he says. I sit on the table and cover up before responding.
“It’s an ultrasound. It’s not like he’s going to fuck me with it,” I say but laugh when I see a man stepped into the room.
“I am Fabian,” he smiles. “I’ll be doing your ultrasound today.”
“Nice to meet you,” I say. “I will just preemptively apologize for them.”
“I understand,” he smiles. “So, we are measuring baby and getting a heartbeat today. I will also take a look at both ovaries.”
“Why?” Hudson asks.
“Huddy,” I say.
“Sorry. I’ll shut up,” he smiles.
“Better to have an overprotective partner than a neglectful one,” Fabian says. “Would you like for me to explain the procedure?”
“Basically, it’s like a wand that’s gonna stick inside of me and it’s gonna give us the heartbeat. He’ll also be able to see allmy internals that way,” I say. “Also, babies look creepy on the scans.”
“Ah, not as creepy as an MRI,” Fabian laughs. “Have you ever had an ultrasound like this?”
“Yeah. Once when I had an ovarian cyst,” I say.
“Good. So, you know what to expect,” he says. “Put your feet up in the stirrups and the dads can join you on your other side.”
“Not going to guess who the father is?” Dallas asks.
“I learned a long time ago not to make assumptions,” he says. “Also, her chart says that there are two fathers.”
“They are just looking for something to be weird about. Ignore them,” I say.
I lay back and put my feet up before Hudson and Dallas join me on my other side. I laugh when they both look stressed when the ultrasound technician puts lubricant on the wand. When he inserts the wand, their attention goes to the screen on the wall in front of us. Right away, I see the little blip. He focuses on measuring the uterus, ovaries, and cervix first before focusing on it.
“Alright, this is your baby,” he says. “You are measuring for… seven weeks and two days.”
“It’s so small,” Hudson says.