Page 34 of Breaking Hudson
“When?” a man asks.
“Right now,” Hudson says. “They’re on their property. They are far enough out they we can blow up the front gate. We flood the place and my men and I will find the brothers. No survivors, unless you find children. Victoria has drawn a map of the entire property and house so we know where we are going.”
“And we can trust her?” someone asks.
“Absolutely. She is staying hidden because she will be killed if they find her,” Hudson says.
“Where is she?” another man asks.
“Unsure. She was placed into a safe home, and I was not given her location as a precaution,” he lies.
“We are in,” a man says.
“Us too,” another adds.
One by one, we gain the support of everyone. We then transition into planning how we will go in and what we will be doing. We have to make sure this is seamless, so no one gets hurt. Hudson and Dallas are not too keen on me being there, but they won’t try and stop me. They understand why I want to be there.
Chapter Nine
It’s dark, probably twoin the morning right now. Everyone is so focused that no one is talking. Our plan is not complicated, but we must all be vigilant. I would never tell the others this, but I have a sneaking suspicion that they are going to get to me either way. I talked to Victoria on the phone about it, and she says that if they do, then they won’t kill me automatically. They like to punish women, which means they will more than likely do the same before they kill me. They will let their arrogance get in the way and assume they have time to play.
I can work with this. I can survive their attack again if it means they still die in the end. If it means that no one else is ever harmed by them, I will make that sacrifice, but I will also blow their brains out the second I get a chance. I have officially lost my mind, but rage filled thoughts of their death have been stuckin my mind since the moment I was in that alleyway with them. I have tried to fight it for so long because I didn’t want to be that person, but I am that person. Theymademe that person when they hurt me. They sealed their fate when they decided to try and have me killed.
“Colette,” Hudson says when we stop. Others jump out to put the explosives on the gate.
“Yes?” I ask.
“Please stay close, okay?”
“I planned on it,” I remark. “Any reason you’re acting like I’m incapable of handling myself?”
“I’m sorry,” he sighs. “I just don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I understand,” I say.
The gate suddenly busts open, and our attention is diverted back to the plan. We drive through first and make our way to the main house. As soon as we park, we all jump out. Hudson signals for everyone to take their positions. I stay with the others and go to the entrance. We slow our pace significantly as we get the front door open. Once we are sure we aren’t going to get blown up, we enter.
It is pitch black, but we expected this. We keep our lights off as we make our way through the house. “It’s too quiet,” I whisper.
Hudson nods in agreement and we head for the staircase. I am behind everyone, which seems logical, until a hand covers my mouth. I am pulled away so fast that I don’t have a chance to scream or get their attention. One minute I am right there with them and the next minute I am being dragged away. I scream against the hand and thrash my body, but I am already in the next room and nearly out of a side door by the time I can react. They keep a tight hold on me as they pick me up and I’m carried to a nearby building.
Well… this sucks. I know I’ll survive, but this means they knew we were coming. That means we have a spy.
I am forced over a table and my arms are restrained before anyone comes into view and the hand comes off my mouth. Instead of being scared or pleading for mercy, I laugh. I’ve definitely lost my mind.
“Something funny?” Vlad asks, grabbing me by the hair and yanking my head back.
“You know I’m your sister, right?” I say. “Won’t stop you from raping me considering you also like to rape Victoria, but… You’ll go down as the freak who fucked his family and got off.”
“I don’t have a sister,” he says, releasing me.
“Mmm. You do. You have two actually. Your father killed the first one, so she kept me a secret and I was adopted to someone else,” I say. “But go ahead. Rape your little sister. You got off using my body once.”
“You think I care?” he snarls.
“No,” I laugh.