Page 17 of Luxe
Nico had been busy with club management for weeks now due to the unwanted presence of some of the Knight’s enemies. Since that evening in the bar, we hadn’t been able to spend any time alone together. Our only form of communication was my nightly texts to let him know I had safely arrived home.
Tonight, when I got to work, I made my usual rounds, welcoming new customers and discussing membership options with visitors holding guest passes for the evening. My attention was drawn upward as Mr. Knight emerged from a darkened hallway, accompanied by Tyler. Nico and Ice Man, the other personal bodyguard, trailed behind.
Mr. Knight met my gaze and strode over to me, coming to a stop. “How’s it going?”
I couldn’t help but beam at him, feeling a sense of pride in my work. “Great,” I replied. “Talked seven into memberships tonight already.”
His lips curled up before he turned, surveying the luxurious bar area. “Are you still enjoying working here rather than Euphoria?”
I nodded eagerly. “Definitely. It’s been an incredible opportunity.”
He glanced back over his shoulder with a knowing smirk before He turned back to me, his expression softening. “And are you discovering everything you had hoped for?”
Memories of the conversation he and I had the night I came back to ask for my job again flooded my mind, and I nodded slowly, swallowing the lump in my throat. “Yes, sir.” I froze at the formality. Though I’d always addressed him that way, suddenly it felt weird since Nico and I had been seeing one another.
A small snort escaped him, followed by a quick recovery as he cleared his throat. His mouth twitched with suppressed amusement before he spoke again. “Good. Well, I need to return to Euphoria, but let’s schedule a meeting soon to discuss your position here.”
Mild panic surged through my veins at the mention of a meeting with him. Although our past meetings had always been beneficial for me, and he had taken care of me since I started at Euphoria, I couldn’t shake off the intimidation I felt in his presence. “Yes, sir,” I replied, trying to hide my nerves.
He glanced over his shoulder again, calling out, “Nico, meet me in the showroom in VIP in an hour,” before turning back to me. “Is that enough time for tonight?”
“What?” I gasped.
He cocked a brow in silence.
I shifted, my weight altering from foot to foot as I tried to compose myself. “Y-yes, Mr. Knight,” I stammered out.
“Good,” he replied with a slight nod. Reaching out, he squeezed my arm before turning on his heels and striding outof Luxe, with Tyler at his side and Ice Man trailing faithfully behind.
Nico stepped closer, his arm wrapping around my waist and tugging me against him. Without hesitation, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine before peeling himself away. “I don’t know how I feel about you addressing other men as ‘sir’,” he chuckled lowly.
My eyes widened, and my mouth fell agape. “Excuse me,real sir, what am I supposed to call him?”
He shook his head with an entertained laugh. “I’ll get used to it.” Taking my hand in his, he held on snuggly, guiding me through the crowded room, through the opposite hallway.
“Are you taking me to the cage?”
“Nope,” he said.
“Swingers’ room?”
“No,” he replied.
“The Dungeon?”
But once again, he denied it with a smile. Finally, we came to a stop next to the locked door leading to a hidden hallway. “Here,” he said, digging a management key card from his pocket and scanning it over the door’s lock before pushing it open.
“Ooh, the forbidden hallway,” I half-joked as he closed us inside the dimly lit corridor. The hallway had long windows to view each room. I stared in awe at the crowded rooms as he led me past the rows of one-way glass windows. Finally, we reached the end of the hall, where a widened area opened up to reveal a luxurious sitting area with black leather couches sitting back-to-back.
Walking me around to the other side of the couch, he sat, placing me between his legs. His fingertips caressed my thighs with feather-light touches, sending shivers through my body. As he gazed up into my eyes, a playful yet intense expression crossed his features.
“Tonight,” he said in a low voice. “I want to try something a little different.”
My eyes wandered over to the room behind him that we often visited, where people indulged in fucking one another.