Page 113 of Diamond Kisses
Was his son—my nephew—still alive?
I stepped toward him in thanks.
I paused, remembering the betrayal from my past.
I’d been a boy, and he’d abandoned me.
But as a man, I’d be the reason he almost lost everything.
I had so much to apologise for, and despite what’d happened last time we talked, he’d come. He was here. He’d help finish this.
Sucking in a deep breath, I balled my hands and—
Our gazes met.
Instead of the confusing recipe of thankfulness and guilt I felt, he looked like he fuckingdespisedme.
No sign of forgiveness. No flicker of commiseration.
Just hate.
I staggered backward as he stalked faster and faster toward me. Raising his pistol, he pointed it directly at my heart. “On your knees, Onn Ree.Now.”
“You’ve disappointed me, Onn Ree. Time to pay.”I shook my head as our father overlaid Q. Heavier set, receding hair-line, but the same merciless eyes.“Hit her, boy, or I’ll hit you.”
“On your knees!Je vais te tuer putain!” (I’m going to fucking kill you!) Q snarled.
I snapped.
I well and truly fucking snapped.
The way he said my name.
The French accent.
The last reminder of who I was and what I’d done back in that château he called home.
Fucking hell no.
Grabbing Victor’s bound wrists, I hoisted up his miserable weight and ran as fast as I could toward the fortress, dragging him beside me.
Victor groaned and cursed, mumbling behind his gag. Blood dripped from his cut ankles, his shot shoulder, and his leg as I tried to outrun my brother.
The castle glowed far too bright in welcome. A few more jewels appeared from the rubble, stepping toward us, drawn from their hiding places thanks to Q’s loud arrival.
Their gazes locked on Victor bouncing and moaning as I hauled him toward them.
His death belonged to Peter.
I’d promised Paavak the final blow that day in the kitchens when we somehow became friends.
I scanned the gathering jewels for him and Ily.
They’d be together.
They’ll come.