Page 121 of Diamond Kisses
“Give him whatever he needs.”
“I already have. But it might not be enough.”
“What else does he need?”
“The will to live.” A man sighed. “I can pump him full of medicine and set his broken bones, but unless he has a reason to stay…I’m afraid you have to prepare yourself for the worst.”
The softness I lay on dipped. A calloused hand cupped my cheek. “You have a reason to stay, brother. Stay. For me—”
The darkness sucked me deep.
* * * * *
She’s dead.
She’s gone.
She’s never coming back.
I gasped with excruciating grief. I clawed my chest as I drowned beneath loss.
Jack-knifing up, I—
“Ah, you’re awake. We were just about to eat without you.” Ily beamed and blew me a kiss. “Good nap, Hen?”
I frowned and rubbed my eyes.
Colourful spots danced then faded, bringing into focus a sun-streaming courtyard with sparrows squabbling in a blossom tree and pretty orange goldfish in a pond.
“You alright, Ri?” Peter leaned across and squeezed my shoulder. “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Is that what you are?” I flinched. “Are you dead? Are we all dead?”
“We’re dead and alive.” Peter smirked like a sage.
“I…don’t understand.”
“Everything is true and untrue.”
“Still super unhelpful, Paavak.”
He laughed. “There is no such thing as time here. Everything is and was. Happening and happened.”
I couldn’t catch my bearings.
First heaven, then hell, and now…this?
“You’ll understand soon enough.” Ily grinned. “All you need to know is…you’re here. With us. Right now.”
“And if I fade again? Where will I go?”
“I think he’s got a touch of sunstroke.” Peter smiled at Ily. “I told you we shouldn’t have spent all day by the river.”
“But it was just too much fun to leave.” Ily laughed. “I’ve never been so happy. All of us together. Free.”
Peter nodded and reached for her with his other hand. They interlocked their fingers on the table. “Together.” Facing me, he gave me a dazzling smile. “Like Ily said. We’re exactly where we’re meant to be.”
I glanced at his hand on my shoulder.