Page 131 of Diamond Kisses
Glancing at the empty doorway where his wife had stood, I scowled. Had he loved another before her? How was that possible? They moved like orbiting planets around each other.
I couldn’t imagine him with anyone else.Lovingsomeone else.
Fury tore through me. “If this is you trying to console me by saying I’ll love someone else one day, save it. Ily was mine. I don’t want anyone else. I willnever—”
“I’m not saying that,” Q cut in. “I’m saying I lost Tess because I failed her. She walked out that door, and I let her. I planned on drinking myself to death.” Shoving his fists onto either side of my pillow, he grinned, “But I had a friend punch some goddamn sense into me. Just like I’m about to do to you. Thanks to that little fist-awakening, I went after her. Ifoughtfor her. I did something I didn’t think I was capable of all because of love.”
“You’re a fucking bastard, you know that?” I shoved him away. Fury turned to rage, and I found enough strength to swoop out of bed and stand.
I almost fell.
I blacked out for a second.
I hurt.
But I only had eyes for my heartless brother. “Don’t you think I’d fight for Ily if she’d justleftme? Christ, you let Tess walk out the door! But I would’ve gotten on my motherfucking knees to prevent Ily from ever crossing the threshold. You needed a friend to punch sense into you? Fuck that, Iknowwhat I had. I know how lucky I was. I know how miraculous and rare our connection was. Don’t you get it?! I can’tdothis without her. I don’t want to. So how about you leave me the fuck alone and let me get on with it!”
My knees gave out.
He smirked as he caught my elbow and held me steady. “Alright then. No punching required.”
Nausea squeezed my throat.
I wanted to be sick, not because of something I’d done but because of all the things I hadn’t. What would I give to have such trivial problems such as a misunderstanding or hardship? What would I trade to hold her again?
I knew what I would give.
I’d give my very life because it wasn’t worth a goddamn thing without her.
“Let me go,” I hissed. “Better yet, give me a knife and lock the door. Come back later.”
“I have a better idea.” Q tugged me toward the door. “Death can wait.”
“Fuck you.”
“I’m so glad to get to know you too, brother.” Q chuckled, his fingers pinching my elbow.
I fought his hold.
I tripped and almost fell.
“For God’s sake,” he huffed. “I believe you.” Slinging my casted arm over his shoulders, he clutched me close. “I believe you that you can’t live without her. And I won’t force you to. If you still want a knife after this…then fine. I’ll bring you the sharpest dagger I own.”
I panted hard as the hole in my side screamed.
My whip lashes howled.
But everything vanished as Q whispered, “You say you’re ready to fight for her…then stop fighting me and let me show you.”
The way he studied me.
The flicker in his eyes.
My anger petered out as grief pounced thickly.
I sagged in his hold and nodded. “Show me.”