Page 133 of Diamond Kisses
“Don’t ask.”
“Did you ever…”
I slammed to a stop. “Did I ever what? Hurt Rachel?” I sucked in a breath. “Yes, I did. But completely against my control. What happened between us was—”
“Never mind.” Tugging me toward the door that Rachel had studied, he pursed his lips. “You did what you had to do to survive. I’m in no place to judge.”
Sunshine streamed through the skylights above, drenching us with heat and brightness.
So it wasn’t night, after all. Just my room that’d been dark.
Daylight rinsed away every sin and pain from the jewels as they gathered in the corridor behind us and watched.
My shredded back prickled beneath my bandages as Q let me go. Pressing the door handle, he stepped back and motioned me to go in. “You first.”
I turned to look at him. To ask what the hell was going on but then my eyes snagged on the bed. On the bright white sheets and the pool of sunshine cradling the person beneath those sheets.
I staggered for entirely new reasons.
It can’t be…
My ribcage threatened to snap apart as my heart inflated with a thousand agonising hopes.
I didn’t remember putting one foot in front of the other.
I didn’t remember how I crossed that silver-and-ivory-painted bedroom.
I didn’t remember falling to my knees beside the bed.
Or how I managed to stay alive when every part of me wanted to shatter in every direction.
But I did remember the feel of her hand.
The warmth of her fingers.
The tangible truth that she washere.
Pressing my lips to her knuckles, I couldn’t hold back the tears. “Oh, God. Thank fuck.” Bowing over her, I broke. “Ily.Christ, Ily.”
I shuddered as tears rolled down my cheeks, splashing onto her wonderful hand.
I’d never cried before her. Never felt the depths of love before her. Never suffered such exquisitepainbefore her.
But she was worth it.
She was worth every drop of sadness and agony. And if I had to live the rest of my life in torture, I would do it gladly. Happily. Desperately.
“Ily…” I kissed her knuckles, again and again. “God, Ily.”
I felt faint and feeble. Feverish and frantic.
“Say something. Anything. Are you okay? How…how is this possible? I-I thought you were dead. The blood. All that blood—” A gasp stole the rest of my air, choking me. I looked up and stared at her beautiful face.
And finally saw what my hope had blanked out.
Please no.