Page 146 of Diamond Kisses
“Revenge helps,” Q muttered, following my thoughts. “But you have someone to protect now. You can’t just prosecute those who hurt her without taking precautions.”
“Precautions like you?”
I sniffed and met his eyes. “Tell me, brother. You say you love your wife.”
His muscles coiled with suspicion. “What’s that got to do—”
“Just answer me.”
“Fine.” He cocked his chin. “Yes. I do.”
“Do you hurt her?”
His nostrils flared. “None of your fucking business.”
“That’s a yes.”
“What we do behind closed—”
“When I first got to that island, I wished I’d asked you how you managed to get married and be normal when you have the same darkness inside you that I do.”
He didn’t speak, watching me carefully.
“How do you do it? How do you stop that darkness from building?” My hands balled. “Because it’s building. Every day that I get stronger, it gets worse. So tell me…how—”
Something crashed in the château followed by an ungodly scream. “Henri!Henri!”
Fuck no!
Wrenching open the door, I bolted down the stairs.
My heart pounded; my entire body ached with panic.
I didn’t feel my own weakness, only pure piercing terror.
Q charged after me as I sprinted down the corridor and careened into Ily’s room.
I couldn’t compute.
Couldn’t tolerate that I’d left her.
I’d left her alone, and she’d crashed.
“ILY!” I dashed to her side.
Two doctors stood on either side of her bed. The one closest to me shoved me back. “Stay away. Let us work!” His hands flew, ripping open packets of needles and drugs. He yelled at his colleague. “Give her epinephrinenow.”
The other injected something into her vein, then opened a case with wires and paddles. Flicking a few buttons, he tore off the blankets, sliced off Ily’s bandages, and placed the defibrillator against her chest.
My knees threatened to buckle.
Q dragged me back, but I wasn’t aware of him. I couldn’t see or hear anything but her. Her dying in front of me. Her leaving me all over again.