Page 196 of Diamond Kisses
“So this is an ego trip, then?” Her eyes twinkled, teasing me back.
“It’s me needing validation that you actually want this. That I’m not going to push you into old memories. That we aren’t wrong for wanting to play like this. That Victor’s games didn’t ruin us. That we’re okay.”
I hadn’t meant to say such things. I hadn’t even been aware I felt them, but the truth scattered around us, and she sighed softly. “We aren’t wrong for liking pleasure with a dash of pain. And we’re completely normal for playing whatever games weconsensuallywant to play.” Kissing me softly, she whispered, “We’re okay, Henri. More than okay. And yes, I want you to push me into those extremes. I want to share mind-shattering pleasure without an audience or threats. I love you with all my heart. Itrustyou with all my heart and if you need me to say how hard you make me come when you’re truly yourself then fine…”
I trembled, my heart glowing. “Fine what?”
She sighed dramatically but it twisted into another wonderful giggle. “Fine, I’ll…squirt for you.” She dropped her eyes, adorably embarrassed.
My heart fisted.
I fell even harder.
“There’s my good girl.” I dropped my head and kissed her.
I wasn’t ready for her reaction.
The absolute melting.
The whole-body submission.
It woke every black creature inside me, and I launched off her.
Vaulting to my feet, I struggled to hold back the darkness.
Ily blinked at me from the floor. “Eh…where are you going?”
Grabbing her hand, I yanked her upright and held her hips as she swayed. With shaky fingers, I dragged my thumbs in those familiar little circles that I used to do under Victor’s nose. Every time I stroked her like this, it was our little secret. I’d hurt her and made her scream, all while tracing her in the softest worshipping way.
She shivered as she recognised the touch. She swooned into me. “Want to know what I call those little circles?”
“Morse code. A language just for us.”
“Itisa language just for us.” I bent my knees and kissed her deep. “We can speak to each other without words,mon cœur.”
“In that case.” She eyed me.Stop talking.
I laughed and stepped back.Your wish is my command.
It hurt to stop touching her. My body felt wrong to be apart. The monster snarled to grab her, maul her as my hands went to the hem of my beige cable knit jumper.
After what’d happened with Peter and the trials we’d all survived. After his joy at coming back to life. Of my own joy at earning a twin flame and brother. I had too many blessings not to enjoy every element of my life.
She trusted me.
Wanted me.
Every flaw, every fault and fumble and fuck-up.
She loves me.
Darkness would always be a part of our life. It’d scarred us right to our soul, but…in that darkness, we’d also found the missing piece of that soul.
I didn’t have to live a half-life.